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Add Javascrit event to product-list ?


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Hi there!

I need to add document.addEventListener to a script in product-list, but I don't know how to do that.

I guess i n a .js file in js folder, but in me theme I can't see any file called product-list.js?

Or am I wrong and there is another way to do that.


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Depends a lot of the theme you use 😕

What you can do is load the product list page, and check what JS files are called using your browser inspector. This will give you a list of the files where you can insert your code snippet :) try to use one relevant that is only loaded in the page.

In the worst case ... modify he smarty template for product-list and inject your javascript there, in a script tag. But it's a bad practice.

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Actually I tried to create a new js file and add it to all my pages (not great...) throught header.tpl

Is it a good way?

However I got an error that I didn't get when I first made my test on one single html page.

libreecoute.js:9 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).addEventListener is not a function


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However I am using Prestashop

I am also worried with my error.
Actually I had a difficulties with my event handler it seems I missed something...

 $(document).on('play','something missing here?' ,function(e)


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