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Hello, I use Presta 1.7.6 Unfortunately, no customer can invest more. He always gets that mistake. Even if I want to create it in the BO I get the Optin error. I hope you can serve me !? Thank you


Property Customer->optin is empty.
at line 1004 in file classes/ObjectModel.php

999. } 1000. 1001. $message = $this->validateField($field, $this->$field); 1002. if ($message !== true) { 1003. if ($die) { 1004. throw new PrestaShopException($message); 1005. } 1006. 1007. return $error_return ? $message : false; 1008. } 1009. }

ObjectModelCore->validateFields - [line 292 - classes/ObjectModel.php]

287. * 288. * @throws PrestaShopException 289. */ 290. public function getFields() 291. { 292. $this->validateFields(); 293. $fields = $this->formatFields(self::FORMAT_COMMON); 294. 295. // For retro compatibility 296. if (Shop::isTableAssociated($this->def['table'])) { 297. $fields = array_merge($fields, $this->getFieldsShop());

ObjectModelCore->getFields - [line 561 - classes/ObjectModel.php]

556. 557. // Database insertion 558. if (Shop::checkIdShopDefault($this->def['table'])) { 559. $this->id_shop_default = (in_array(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'), $id_shop_list) == true) ? Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT') : min($id_shop_list); 560. } 561. if (!$result = Db::getInstance()->insert($this->def['table'], $this->getFields(), $null_values)) { 562. return false; 563. } 564. 565. // Get object id in database 566. $this->id = Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID();

ObjectModelCore->add - [line 262 - classes/Customer.php] - [2 Arguments]

257. 258. /* Can't create a guest customer, if this feature is disabled */ 259. if ($this->is_guest && !Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED')) { 260. return false; 261. } 262. $success = parent::add($autoDate, $nullValues); 263. $this->updateGroup($this->groupBox); 264. 265. return $success; 266. } 267.

CustomerCore->add - [line 516 - classes/ObjectModel.php] - [2 Arguments]

511. * 512. * @throws PrestaShopException 513. */ 514. public function save($null_values = false, $auto_date = true) 515. { 516. return (int) $this->id > 0 ? $this->update($null_values) : $this->add($auto_date, $null_values); 517. } 518. 519. /** 520. * Adds current object to the database. 521. *

ObjectModelCore->save - [line 195 - classes/form/CustomerPersister.php]

190. ); 191. 192. return false; 193. } 194. 195. $ok = $customer->save(); 196. 197. if ($ok) { 198. $this->context->updateCustomer($customer); 199. $this->context->cart->update(); 200. $this->sendConfirmationMail($customer);

CustomerPersisterCore->create - [line 59 - classes/form/CustomerPersister.php] - [2 Arguments]

54. public function save(Customer $customer, $clearTextPassword, $newPassword = '', $passwordRequired = true) 55. { 56. if ($customer->id) { 57. return $this->update($customer, $clearTextPassword, $newPassword, $passwordRequired); 58. } else { 59. return $this->create($customer, $clearTextPassword); 60. } 61. } 62. 63. private function update(Customer $customer, $clearTextPassword, $newPassword, $passwordRequired = true) 64. {

CustomerPersisterCore->save - [line 196 - classes/form/CustomerForm.php] - [4 Arguments]

191. 192. $ok = $this->customerPersister->save( 193. $this->getCustomer(), 194. $clearTextPassword, 195. $newPassword, 196. $this->passwordRequired 197. ); 198. 199. if (!$ok) { 200. foreach ($this->customerPersister->getErrors() as $field => $errors) { 201. $this->formFields[$field]->setErrors($errors);

CustomerFormCore->submit - [line 60 - controllers/front/AuthController.php]

55. function ($carry, $item) { 56. return $carry && $item; 57. }, 58. true 59. ); 60. if ($hookResult && $register_form->submit()) { 61. $should_redirect = true; 62. } 63. } 64. 65. $this->context->smarty->assign([

AuthControllerCore->initContent - [line 291 - classes/controller/Controller.php]

286. if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { 287. $this->initHeader(); 288. } 289. 290. if ($this->viewAccess()) { 291. $this->initContent(); 292. } else { 293. $this->errors[] = $this->trans('Access denied.', array(), 'Admin.Notifications.Error'); 294. } 295. 296. if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_footer || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) {

ControllerCore->run - [line 515 - classes/Dispatcher.php]

510. if (isset($params_hook_action_dispatcher)) { 511. Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $params_hook_action_dispatcher); 512. } 513. 514. // Running controller 515. $controller->run(); 516. 517. // Execute hook dispatcher after 518. if (isset($params_hook_action_dispatcher)) { 519. Hook::exec('actionDispatcherAfter', $params_hook_action_dispatcher); 520. }

DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 28 - index.php]

23. * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0 Open Software License (OSL 3.0) 24. * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA 25. */ 26. 27. require dirname(__FILE__).'/config/config.inc.php'; 28. Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch();

Hello, I use Presta 1.7.6 Unfortunately, no customer can invest more. He always gets that mistake. Even if I want to create it in the BO I get the Optin error. I hope you can serve me !? Thank you

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