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"File Manager Issue" and Alphabetical Restriction

Bruckert Thomas

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Just to be clear, I'm sorry if I do any mystakes in my writtings but I'm French (that's not a good excuse but nvm) so please, forgive me and correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, it's been like a month now that I encounter an issue on my website when I try to add any file on a product's description. 

The issue is the following : I can't add anything when the file name start by something else than a "A". It's quite difficult to explain but in my manager, I add the items (Jpg files for a product's description

) like always. But these files which aren't "A" named aren't listed on the file manager required to add an element on a webpage. 🤨

In an other hand, the file manager seems to charge (as you can see on the picture) but when it's fully charged, nothing more appears.


So please, if you ever had any issue like this, tell me how did you manage to repair / get around it ! Because it's not a "big" issue but that's not good for any SEO / practical reasons. 😡

Thanks by advance,



Edit : i've already tried to post this on the French forum but I get a total of 0 response their. So, if you're french you can find this topic here :



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