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integrating stripe checkout


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trying to help a friend get the stripe module working with prestashop. neither one of us are coders, but i work in joomla and wordpress so know a little about tweaking code. is there someone who can tell me exactly what file to add the checkout code to and where? am pretty familiar with cpanel file manager.

thank you

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You should not need to code. Just install the module




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OK, well best to describe what is happening rather than ask about coding. the module should work

So answer these and give even more info if you can

version of PS
Does the module install - if not what is the error message

Can you enable the modue - if not what is the error message

Have you added the relevant keys

Are you in live and sandbox

Can you see the module in the front end?

What happens when you enter card details

Give as much info as possible, with screen prints then perhaps we can help

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this is what i find in the error log on cpanel file manager

[14-Jul-2019 17:46:43 US/Eastern] The payment method type provided: bancontact is invalid. See https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/create#create_payment_intent-payment_method_types for the full list of supported payment method types.

went through everything on chat with support from stripe yesterday, and bancontact is not enabled anywhere. we don't know where it's coming from.

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Stripe Dashboard shows Prestashop as an authorised App?

Stripe dashboard > Settings ? you ONLY have cards enabled?

Prestashop > Modules > payment - all the required ticks in ? In other words you are not restricting Stripe by country, currency or carrier?

Prestashop > Modules > Stripe > No payment options ticked?

Have you had other payment modules installed and working? If not try bank wire and see if that shows. It will help see if the issue is the module or payment in general

How to enable prestashop debug mode

Have you contacted the developer of the module (contact developer of module here: 



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checked and rechecked all the stripe settings. apparently she had something else installed previously that worked, but i don't know what it was.

followed the debug instructions. nothing came up. ran it in test mode, and live mode, and two different browsers. (firefox and chrome)

guess i wait to hear back from the module developers, and try to find what she used to use.

here is the page we keep getting referred to. it's what i was talking about when i first asked exactly what file to add the code to. we're stuck at step three.

thanks so much for your help! if you think of anything else, feel free to chime in

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I have the same problem, even in debug mode don't have any error is all ok but the form to apply the card don't show!

on test mode, it shows but on dev don't and I think that was with this last update this happens.

I will be really grateful if someone finds a solution ,

thanks in advanced 

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