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Visualizzo correttamente il codice fiscale nella mia fattura, ma prima di esso, vorrei aggiungere la dicitura "C.F.", qualcuno mi darebbe una mano?Questo è il mio codice:



 * 2007-2018 PrestaShop.
 * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
 * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
 * https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0
 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
 * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
 * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
 * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
 * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
 * @author    PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2007-2018 PrestaShop SA
 * @license   https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0 Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
 * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA

 * @since 1.5
class HTMLTemplateInvoiceCore extends HTMLTemplate
    public $order;
    public $order_invoice;
    public $available_in_your_account = false;

     * @param OrderInvoice $order_invoice
     * @param $smarty
     * @throws PrestaShopException
    public function __construct(OrderInvoice $order_invoice, $smarty, $bulk_mode = false)
        $this->order_invoice = $order_invoice;
        $this->order = new Order((int) $this->order_invoice->id_order);
        $this->smarty = $smarty;

        // If shop_address is null, then update it with current one.
        // But no DB save required here to avoid massive updates for bulk PDF generation case.
        // (DB: bug fixed in with upgrade SQL script to avoid null shop_address in old orderInvoices)
        if (!isset($this->order_invoice->shop_address) || !$this->order_invoice->shop_address) {
            $this->order_invoice->shop_address = OrderInvoice::getCurrentFormattedShopAddress((int) $this->order->id_shop);
            if (!$bulk_mode) {

        // header informations
        $this->date = Tools::displayDate($order_invoice->date_add);

        $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
        $this->title = $order_invoice->getInvoiceNumberFormatted($id_lang);

        $this->shop = new Shop((int) $this->order->id_shop);

     * Returns the template's HTML header.
     * @return string HTML header
    public function getHeader()
        $this->smarty->assign(array('header' => Context::getContext()->getTranslator()->trans('Invoice', array(), 'Shop.Pdf')));

        return $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('header'));

     * Compute layout elements size.
     * @param $params Array Layout elements
     * @return array Layout elements columns size
    protected function computeLayout($params)
        $layout = array(
            'reference' => array(
                'width' => 15,
            'product' => array(
                'width' => 40,
            'quantity' => array(
                'width' => 8,
            'tax_code' => array(
                'width' => 8,
            'unit_price_tax_excl' => array(
                'width' => 0,
            'total_tax_excl' => array(
                'width' => 0,

        if (isset($params['has_discount']) && $params['has_discount']) {
            $layout['before_discount'] = array('width' => 0);
            $layout['product']['width'] -= 7;
            $layout['reference']['width'] -= 3;

        $total_width = 0;
        $free_columns_count = 0;
        foreach ($layout as $data) {
            if ($data['width'] === 0) {

            $total_width += $data['width'];

        $delta = 100 - $total_width;

        foreach ($layout as $row => $data) {
            if ($data['width'] === 0) {
                $layout[$row]['width'] = $delta / $free_columns_count;

        $layout['_colCount'] = count($layout);

        return $layout;

     * Returns the template's HTML content.
     * @return string HTML content
    public function getContent()
        $invoiceAddressPatternRules = json_decode(Configuration::get('PS_INVCE_INVOICE_ADDR_RULES'), true);
        $deliveryAddressPatternRules = json_decode(Configuration::get('PS_INVCE_DELIVERY_ADDR_RULES'), true);

        $invoice_address = new Address((int) $this->order->id_address_invoice);
        $country = new Country((int) $invoice_address->id_country);
        $formatted_invoice_address = AddressFormat::generateAddress($invoice_address, $invoiceAddressPatternRules, '<br />', ' ');

        $delivery_address = null;
        $formatted_delivery_address = '';
        if (isset($this->order->id_address_delivery) && $this->order->id_address_delivery) {
            $delivery_address = new Address((int) $this->order->id_address_delivery);
            $formatted_delivery_address = AddressFormat::generateAddress($delivery_address, $deliveryAddressPatternRules, '<br />', ' ');

        $customer = new Customer((int) $this->order->id_customer);
        $carrier = new Carrier((int) $this->order->id_carrier);

        $order_details = $this->order_invoice->getProducts();

        $has_discount = false;
        foreach ($order_details as $id => &$order_detail) {
            // Find out if column 'price before discount' is required
            if ($order_detail['reduction_amount_tax_excl'] > 0) {
                $has_discount = true;
                $order_detail['unit_price_tax_excl_before_specific_price'] = $order_detail['unit_price_tax_excl_including_ecotax'] + $order_detail['reduction_amount_tax_excl'];
            } elseif ($order_detail['reduction_percent'] > 0) {
                $has_discount = true;
                if ($order_detail['reduction_percent'] == 100) {
                    $order_detail['unit_price_tax_excl_before_specific_price'] = 0;
                } else {
                    $order_detail['unit_price_tax_excl_before_specific_price'] = (100 * $order_detail['unit_price_tax_excl_including_ecotax']) / (100 - $order_detail['reduction_percent']);

            // Set tax_code
            $taxes = OrderDetail::getTaxListStatic($id);
            $tax_temp = array();
            foreach ($taxes as $tax) {
                $obj = new Tax($tax['id_tax']);
                $translator = Context::getContext()->getTranslator();
                $tax_temp[] = $translator->trans(
                        '%taxrate%' => ($obj->rate + 0),
                        '%space%' => '&nbsp;',

            $order_detail['order_detail_tax'] = $taxes;
            $order_detail['order_detail_tax_label'] = implode(', ', $tax_temp);

        if (Configuration::get('PS_PDF_IMG_INVOICE')) {
            foreach ($order_details as &$order_detail) {
                if ($order_detail['image'] != null) {
                    $name = 'product_mini_' . (int) $order_detail['product_id'] . (isset($order_detail['product_attribute_id']) ? '_' . (int) $order_detail['product_attribute_id'] : '') . '.jpg';
                    $path = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_ . $order_detail['image']->getExistingImgPath() . '.jpg';

                    $order_detail['image_tag'] = preg_replace(
                        '/\.*' . preg_quote(__PS_BASE_URI__, '/') . '/',
                        _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                        ImageManager::thumbnail($path, $name, 45, 'jpg', false),

                    if (file_exists(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $name)) {
                        $order_detail['image_size'] = getimagesize(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $name);
                    } else {
                        $order_detail['image_size'] = false;
            unset($order_detail); // don't overwrite the last order_detail later

        $cart_rules = $this->order->getCartRules($this->order_invoice->id);
        $free_shipping = false;
        foreach ($cart_rules as $key => $cart_rule) {
            if ($cart_rule['free_shipping']) {
                $free_shipping = true;
                 * Adjust cart rule value to remove the amount of the shipping.
                 * We're not interested in displaying the shipping discount as it is already shown as "Free Shipping".
                $cart_rules[$key]['value_tax_excl'] -= $this->order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl;
                $cart_rules[$key]['value'] -= $this->order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl;

                 * Don't display cart rules that are only about free shipping and don't create
                 * a discount on products.
                if ($cart_rules[$key]['value'] == 0) {

        $product_taxes = 0;
        foreach ($this->order_invoice->getProductTaxesBreakdown($this->order) as $details) {
            $product_taxes += $details['total_amount'];

        $product_discounts_tax_excl = $this->order_invoice->total_discount_tax_excl;
        $product_discounts_tax_incl = $this->order_invoice->total_discount_tax_incl;
        if ($free_shipping) {
            $product_discounts_tax_excl -= $this->order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl;
            $product_discounts_tax_incl -= $this->order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl;

        $products_after_discounts_tax_excl = $this->order_invoice->total_products - $product_discounts_tax_excl;
        $products_after_discounts_tax_incl = $this->order_invoice->total_products_wt - $product_discounts_tax_incl;

        $shipping_tax_excl = $free_shipping ? 0 : $this->order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl;
        $shipping_tax_incl = $free_shipping ? 0 : $this->order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl;
        $shipping_taxes = $shipping_tax_incl - $shipping_tax_excl;

        $wrapping_taxes = $this->order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_incl - $this->order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_excl;

        $total_taxes = $this->order_invoice->total_paid_tax_incl - $this->order_invoice->total_paid_tax_excl;

        $footer = array(
            'products_before_discounts_tax_excl' => $this->order_invoice->total_products,
            'product_discounts_tax_excl' => $product_discounts_tax_excl,
            'products_after_discounts_tax_excl' => $products_after_discounts_tax_excl,
            'products_before_discounts_tax_incl' => $this->order_invoice->total_products_wt,
            'product_discounts_tax_incl' => $product_discounts_tax_incl,
            'products_after_discounts_tax_incl' => $products_after_discounts_tax_incl,
            'product_taxes' => $product_taxes,
            'shipping_tax_excl' => $shipping_tax_excl,
            'shipping_taxes' => $shipping_taxes,
            'shipping_tax_incl' => $shipping_tax_incl,
            'wrapping_tax_excl' => $this->order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_excl,
            'wrapping_taxes' => $wrapping_taxes,
            'wrapping_tax_incl' => $this->order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_incl,
            'ecotax_taxes' => $total_taxes - $product_taxes - $wrapping_taxes - $shipping_taxes,
            'total_taxes' => $total_taxes,
            'total_paid_tax_excl' => $this->order_invoice->total_paid_tax_excl,
            'total_paid_tax_incl' => $this->order_invoice->total_paid_tax_incl,

        foreach ($footer as $key => $value) {
            $footer[$key] = Tools::ps_round($value, _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_, $this->order->round_mode);

         * Need the $round_mode for the tests.
        $round_type = null;
        switch ($this->order->round_type) {
            case Order::ROUND_TOTAL:
                $round_type = 'total';
            case Order::ROUND_LINE:
                $round_type = 'line';
            case Order::ROUND_ITEM:
                $round_type = 'item';
                $round_type = 'line';

        $display_product_images = Configuration::get('PS_PDF_IMG_INVOICE');
        $tax_excluded_display = Group::getPriceDisplayMethod($customer->id_default_group);

        $layout = $this->computeLayout(array('has_discount' => $has_discount));
		$state_invo = (new State($invoice_address->id_state))->name; /* Get invoice State name from ID */
        $state_deli = (new State($delivery_address->id_state))->name; /* Get delivery State name from ID */

        $legal_free_text = Hook::exec('displayInvoiceLegalFreeText', array('order' => $this->order));
        if (!$legal_free_text) {
            $legal_free_text = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_LEGAL_FREE_TEXT', (int) Context::getContext()->language->id, null, (int) $this->order->id_shop);

        $data = array(
            'order' => $this->order,
            'order_invoice' => $this->order_invoice,
            'order_details' => $order_details,
            'carrier' => $carrier,
            'cart_rules' => $cart_rules,
            'delivery_address' => $formatted_delivery_address,
            'invoice_address' => $formatted_invoice_address,
            'addresses' => array('invoice' => $invoice_address, 'delivery' => $delivery_address),
            'tax_excluded_display' => $tax_excluded_display,
            'display_product_images' => $display_product_images,
            'layout' => $layout,
            'tax_tab' => $this->getTaxTabContent(),
            'customer' => $customer,
            'footer' => $footer,
            'ps_price_compute_precision' => _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_,
            'round_type' => $round_type,
            'legal_free_text' => $legal_free_text,
			            /* Start mod for custom address format */
            'firstname_invo' => $invoice_address->firstname,
            'lastname_invo' => $invoice_address->lastname,
            'company_invo' => $invoice_address->company,
            'address1_invo' => $invoice_address->address1,
            'address2_invo' => $invoice_address->address2,
            'postcode_invo' => $invoice_address->postcode,
            'city_invo' => $invoice_address->city,
            'state_name_invo' => $state_invo,
            'country_name_invo' => $invoice_address->country,
            'phone_invo' => $invoice_address->phone,
            'phone_mobile_invo' => $invoice_address->phone_mobile,
            'vat_number_invo' => $invoice_address->vat_number,
            'dni_invo' => $invoice_address->dni,

            'firstname_deli' => $delivery_address->firstname,
            'lastname_deli' => $delivery_address->lastname,
            'company_deli' => $delivery_address->company,
            'address1_deli' => $delivery_address->address1,
            'address2_deli' => $delivery_address->address2,
            'postcode_deli' => $delivery_address->postcode,
            'city_deli' => $delivery_address->city,
            'state_name_deli' => $state_deli,
            'country_name_deli' => $delivery_address->country,
            'phone_deli' => $delivery_address->phone,
            'phone_mobile_deli' => $delivery_address->phone_mobile,
            /* End mod for custom address format */

        if (Tools::getValue('debug')) {


        $tpls = array(
            'style_tab' => $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('invoice.style-tab')),
            'addresses_tab' => $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('invoice.addresses-tab')),
            'summary_tab' => $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('invoice.summary-tab')),
            'product_tab' => $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('invoice.product-tab')),
            'tax_tab' => $this->getTaxTabContent(),
            'payment_tab' => $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('invoice.payment-tab')),
            'note_tab' => $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('invoice.note-tab')),
            'total_tab' => $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('invoice.total-tab')),
            'shipping_tab' => $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('invoice.shipping-tab')),

        return $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplateByCountry($country->iso_code));

     * Returns the tax tab content.
     * @return string Tax tab html content
    public function getTaxTabContent()
        $debug = Tools::getValue('debug');

        $address = new Address((int) $this->order->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')});
        $tax_exempt = Configuration::get('VATNUMBER_MANAGEMENT')
                            && !empty($address->vat_number)
                            && $address->id_country != Configuration::get('VATNUMBER_COUNTRY');
        $carrier = new Carrier($this->order->id_carrier);

        $tax_breakdowns = $this->getTaxBreakdown();

        $data = array(
            'tax_exempt' => $tax_exempt,
            'use_one_after_another_method' => $this->order_invoice->useOneAfterAnotherTaxComputationMethod(),
            'display_tax_bases_in_breakdowns' => $this->order_invoice->displayTaxBasesInProductTaxesBreakdown(),
            'product_tax_breakdown' => $this->order_invoice->getProductTaxesBreakdown($this->order),
            'shipping_tax_breakdown' => $this->order_invoice->getShippingTaxesBreakdown($this->order),
            'ecotax_tax_breakdown' => $this->order_invoice->getEcoTaxTaxesBreakdown(),
            'wrapping_tax_breakdown' => $this->order_invoice->getWrappingTaxesBreakdown(),
            'tax_breakdowns' => $tax_breakdowns,
            'order' => $debug ? null : $this->order,
            'order_invoice' => $debug ? null : $this->order_invoice,
            'carrier' => $debug ? null : $carrier,

        if ($debug) {
            return $data;


        return $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('invoice.tax-tab'));

     * Returns different tax breakdown elements.
     * @return array Different tax breakdown elements
    protected function getTaxBreakdown()
        $breakdowns = array(
            'product_tax' => $this->order_invoice->getProductTaxesBreakdown($this->order),
            'shipping_tax' => $this->order_invoice->getShippingTaxesBreakdown($this->order),
            'ecotax_tax' => $this->order_invoice->getEcoTaxTaxesBreakdown(),
            'wrapping_tax' => $this->order_invoice->getWrappingTaxesBreakdown(),

        foreach ($breakdowns as $type => $bd) {
            if (empty($bd)) {

        if (empty($breakdowns)) {
            $breakdowns = false;

        if (isset($breakdowns['product_tax'])) {
            foreach ($breakdowns['product_tax'] as &$bd) {
                $bd['total_tax_excl'] = $bd['total_price_tax_excl'];

        if (isset($breakdowns['ecotax_tax'])) {
            foreach ($breakdowns['ecotax_tax'] as &$bd) {
                $bd['total_tax_excl'] = $bd['ecotax_tax_excl'];
                $bd['total_amount'] = $bd['ecotax_tax_incl'] - $bd['ecotax_tax_excl'];

        return $breakdowns;

    protected function getTaxLabel($tax_breakdowns)
        $tax_label = '';
        $all_taxes = array();

        foreach ($tax_breakdowns as $type => $bd)
            foreach ($bd as $line)
                    $all_taxes[] = $line['id_tax'];

        $taxes = array_unique($all_taxes);

        foreach ($taxes as $id_tax) {
            $tax = new Tax($id_tax);
            $tax_label .= $tax->id.': '.$tax->name[$this->order->id_lang].' ('.$tax->rate.'%) ';

        return $tax_label;

     * Returns the invoice template associated to the country iso_code.
     * @param string $iso_country
    protected function getTemplateByCountry($iso_country)
        $file = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_MODEL');

        // try to fetch the iso template
        $template = $this->getTemplate($file . '.' . $iso_country);

        // else use the default one
        if (!$template) {
            $template = $this->getTemplate($file);

        return $template;

     * Returns the template filename when using bulk rendering.
     * @return string filename
    public function getBulkFilename()
        return 'invoices.pdf';

     * Returns the template filename.
     * @return string filename
    public function getFilename()
        $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
        $id_shop = (int) $this->order->id_shop;
        $format = '%1$s%2$06d';

        if (Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_USE_YEAR')) {
            $format = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_YEAR_POS') ? '%1$s%3$s-%2$06d' : '%1$s%2$06d-%3$s';

        return sprintf(
            Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', $id_lang, null, $id_shop),
            date('Y', strtotime($this->order_invoice->date_add))
        ) . '.pdf';


 * 2007-2018 PrestaShop
 * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
 * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
 * https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0
 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
 * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
 * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
 * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
 * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
 * @author    PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
 * @copyright 2007-2018 PrestaShop SA
 * @license   https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0 Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
 * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
<table id="addresses-tab" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<td width="50%">{if $delivery_address}<span class="bold">{l s='Delivery Address' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</span><br/><br/>
								{l s='Name Surname' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$firstname_deli} {$lastname_deli}<br />
				{if $company_deli}{l s='Company' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$company_deli}<br />{/if}
				{l s='Address' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$address1_deli}<br />
				{if $address2_deli}{l s='Address' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$address2_deli}<br />{/if}
				{l s='ZIP Code' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$postcode_deli}<br />
				{l s='City' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$city_deli}<br />
				{if $state_name_deli}{l s='State' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$state_name_deli}<br />{/if}
				{l s='Country' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$country_name_deli}<br />
				{if $phone_deli}{l s='Phone' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$phone_deli}<br />{/if}
				{if $phone_mobile_deli}{l s='Mobile' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$phone_mobile_deli}<br />{/if}
		<td width="50%"><span class="bold">{l s='Billing Address' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</span><br/><br/>
								{l s='Name Surname' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$firstname_invo} {$lastname_invo}<br />
				{if $company_invo}{l s='Company' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$company_invo}<br />{/if}
				{l s='Address' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$address1_invo}<br />
				{if $address2_invo}{l s='Address' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$address2_invo}<br />{/if}
				{l s='ZIP Code' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$postcode_invo}<br />
				{l s='City' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$city_invo}<br />
				{if $state_name_invo}{l s='State' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$state_name_invo}<br />{/if}
				{l s='Country' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$country_name_invo}<br />
				{if $phone_invo}{l s='Phone' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$phone_invo}<br />{/if}
				{if $phone_mobile_invo}{l s='Mobile' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$phone_mobile_invo}<br />{/if}
				{if $vat_number_invo}{l s='VAT' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$vat_number_invo}<br />{/if}
				{if $dni_invo}{l s='DNI' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$dni_invo}<br />{/if}


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nel template invoice.addresses-tab.tpl ci dovrebbe già essere la dicitura DNI

57 minutes ago, danyw3b said:

{if $dni_invo}{l s='DNI' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}: {$dni_invo}<br />{/if}

quindi forse ti basta modificare/aggiungere la traduzione in italiano di DNI, senza modificare nulla. In alternativa la stringa da modificare è proprio

1 hour ago, danyw3b said:

{l s='DNI' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}

Buona giornata,

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