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Something a little unique - real-time product customization and previews


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We built a shop on 1.7 with some bespoke features i haven't seen anywhere else.  For example we built a product personalization engine which allows our customers to customize their cremation urn and preview it in real time. This was all bespoke development that we did here in-house and are really proud of.  Feel free to give it a play i'd like to hear your feedback.

Green Meadow - Cremation Urns



Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 2.18.08 PM.png

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Very interesting site. 

I played around with your product personalization engine and it seemed to work well. I would recommend adding in the option to zoom in as it can be hard to read the text size as is.

Beyond that, it looks like you have quite a few of the SEO features that are required to effectively display and advertise your site. still, you might consider creating a simpler homepage that then directs customers clearly to the products area using a "call to action" button or similar. Keep in mind, anything after the fold is less likely to be viewed than what is initially shown upon landing on a given page. This might make navigating your site easier as your customers will always find exactly what they are looking for, but it will require a bit of a redesign.

I hope that I've been of help! Best of luck with your site!

Edited by Matt Cohen (see edit history)
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