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Prestashop - Can't disable Cache features


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Hi, I hope you're fine. Since a moment I try to disable the cache of my shop prestashop, to proceed to the update with 1-Click Upgrade.

But impossible, every time I pass the "Parameters> Performance: Cache" to "NO", it reactivates automatically.

I even forced the situation by directly changing the value of the corresponding parameter in the database directly, still nothing.

So someone might want to help me please?


Thank you in advance.

PS: Prestashop version :

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On 6/3/2019 at 4:10 PM, Janett said:

Looks into app/config/parameters.php

    'ps_cache_enable' => false,


prestashop version

checked that file and it is in False mode. but cache is not disabled

check my screen shot. all fields are pre-selected.

Screenshot from 2021-08-03 12-41-30.png

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3 minutes ago, Solver said:


prestashop can't update cache configuration


please check the database


SELECT * FROM  ps_configuration where name like '%cache%';

hi. look at image. i changed 1 to 0 but again nothing changes. i thing there is a problem in page: Advanced Parameters > Performance > Smarty panel

Screenshot from 2021-08-03 13-53-29.png

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28 minutes ago, Zohaib-fk said:

I am facing same problem, any idea. attached screenshot for reference.

Your select boxes don't look well. I have seen that before. There is some error that also blocks your update.

Look for the error with debug mode enabled , look in the error log and look also at the html in the browser.

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