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My products disappeared from categories


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I have a problem with products in categories. More precisely, I didn't have a problem. I have created categories where I have included products (everything worked), but now I edited the prices (canceling VAT on prices) and the products disappeared from the categories. Respectively, the products as such are probably there because I see a filter by color with the number in that color, but the content itself is not there. (See pic.).


I have tried to create a whole new category, but when I add a product to a new category, it is not showing. I tried to create a brand new product and put it in a whole new category but unfortunately with the same result. It should be noted that when I select the category I want to search for in the search box (for example: Handbags) and write the name of the handbag (eg: Leona) I will find the handbag in the category ... from which I decided that the handbags there they are, but they just don't show up for some mysterious reason. My visibility is set to everywhere. Everything else I think set as it did (except VAT) - Yes, I tried to return the VAT (no success). The only place where my handbags are displayed is news (this page is predefined by the page manufacturer and is not configurable).


web: www.torami.cz

because of the fact that the shop is already in operation, I had to remove the incriminated category from the visible so here is the link: www.torami.cz/9-kabelky a www.torami.cz/14-batuzky


I'm sending some images for clarification. I will be glad for any ideas, opinions, suggestions ... I am quite desperate, thank you very much

pic 1.png

pic 2.png

pic 3.png

pic 5.png


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Torami, How did you fix it? I am having the same issue.

Nevermind. I was able to fix it. In case other people see this thread and are looking for the answer, here is what I did:

1. Upgraded the module (this alone did not fix the problem, I had the same issue on the old version of the Faceted Search)

2. Reset the module (this step resolved the issue for me).

I am running PS 1.7.3.

Edited by kdash1228 (see edit history)
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