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Custom developed theme with 1.7


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I'm willing to hire a developer to develop a custom theme for me for PS 1.7 store.

I would like to know if it would be possible to update feature versions of PS 1.7 or 1.8 with the custom theme or I will be stuck with the version I started, and never be able to update to more recent version?

Is there any way to apply just the core updates and stay with the custom theme untouched? Or I should hire developer every time there is a new release, to rework the theme?

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You will not see no major update (1.8) before in (at least) 3 years from now. So, no worries


May I ask why you don't just take a theme from the ones that are at your disposal (like on themeforest for example, or on theme.prestashop)?

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Thanks. And what about the minor 1.7.X updates? May I update it with custom theme or not? Because I'm following for example the prestarocket theme development and the author updates it for every new PS release ... and it is based on PrestaShop's starter theme.

I actually bought some themes but none of them are optimised for performance or they got one or other design flaws, or at least I find them as flaws. Other thing is that I want custom brand design, not theme like couple of thousand other stores also got.

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No problem with the minor updates, rocket update his theme because he's the chosen one to be the 'blank theme' for template designers to begin with, so he have to follow changes from the main branch of prestashop dev, but if you got a custom theme made for the current version of prestashop (even better if your designer start with rocket as a blank page) you'll be able to update your prestashop flawlessly


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I mean that prestarocket made such good job with the performance of that theme, that I can't believe it is actually PrestaShop based theme. Because the only fast loading themes I've seen with prestashop were on version 1.5.

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