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TTFB of 25 seconds


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i'm going literally crazy.... my store is really slow and all is about TTFB like i show in the screenshot.

The site stays in loading about 25 seconds, a nightmare. Same problem with the default template, so the problem isn't the template.

Please i'm going crazy and the site is totally unusable.

Someone could help me to solve?

Please don't start to say CCC of js and css files on performance page or other optimization that we can mod in PS because they did absolutely nothing.. i tried everything, my server has also  CDN but the problem remains.

is it a server related problem ? We have a monster VSP server, so i doubt. How can i solve ?


Edited by ienabellamy (see edit history)
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Hi everybody and thanks for answering.

17 ore fa, joseantgv dice:

I suppose it's a module. You can start by disabling/reload page/enabling each one until you find the guilty.

i disabled all non default modules and all overrides, nothing changes, so i suppose isn't a module (at least not a third part module)

17 ore fa, Rolige dice:


Activate PS debug profiler. This will tell you how long take each process and module to load so you can identify the issue.


define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); did absolutely nothing, nothing appears, no errors showing, nothing.


1 ora fa, Dreamtheme dice:

It is a server issue. Your system administrator have to check what is causing it, its PHP or the SQL.

i'm the server admin so i must solve. You say that's a server issue but i have this issue only for PS site, for other sites, like Wordpress or Joomla it's all fine.

Nothing changed, please help.

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You made my day bru, i solved everything. Was a module that was uninstalled but for strange reasons hooked to the header and footer.

It's fun, because PS developer on profiling message says: You'd better run your shop on a toaster


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