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Theme development - way to avoid constant clearing of cache?

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I'm currently developing a new theme for my web shop, hereunder redesigning the default modules layout. However, the process is very time consuming due to changes not showing when the theme is viewed in the browser: sometimes it helps to clear the smarty chache, other times it doesn't work, and other times again you have to delete the whole theme from the server and reupload. Isn't there a way to edit the theme and then SEE the changes without needing to do the above constantly?

Secondly, what's the best work flow when designing?
Right now I'm editing my files in DreamWeaver, uploading, refreshing page, reedit and upload again ... ... ...
Isn't there an easier way?

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Partly solved:
To solve the caching problems, simply disable the Cache in the Preferences --> Performance tab (doh). However, I'm still looking forward to hear suggestions on how to optimize the design process.

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I tried clearing cache and all that crap but it didn't work. Seems in 1.4, the .php files are no longer using the include function.

Anyway to solve the problem, go to Preferences -> Performance -> turn on Force compile

Remember to turn this off after updating however or there will be much more processing every time someone visits a page.

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  • 1 year later...

The you best way I found to design is to have this directory that contains prestashops compiled files open (public_html/tools/smarty/compile ). Then you delete from this directory every file that you have edited.The files normally have a .tlp.php extension.Deleting the files from the compile directory forces smarty to recompile the exact file you deleted.This saves server resources as opposed to recompiling the whole smarty template when the changes are affecting a specific file.

Edited by Doulas Akula (see edit history)
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