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Backordered Item Quantity in Cart - No Out of Stock Warning.


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Hi Guys,

I have searched the net to see if anyone has had a similar issue but I can't seem to find anything. I also don't even know where I should be looking to fix it.

In my store I have "Allow Backorders" - aka Allow ordering of out-of-stock products as set in PREFERENCES > PRODUCTS. When the product's availability is "In Stock" and a user adds it to the cart, If they enter the cart and increase the items' quantity to above the amount actually available. It still keeps the availability as "In Stock" Both on the Summary and the Payment Page. 
This status should change to "Back Order" in the Cart or whatever you have set in Displayed text when backordering is allowed in PRODUCT>QUANTITY> AVAILABILITY SETTINGS.

I know if you have Allow Backorders disabled and you try increasing the quantities, it throws the "Item doesn't have enough stock" error and doesn't allow you to increase the quantity which makes perfect sense because there isn't enough for the client to order. But in our case where we WANT the client to order the item even though its out of stock, but he needs to be aware that by increasing the quantity to more than available, the item will be backordered

Does anyone know if this is a bug or just a feature that doesn't exist? 

I am using Prestashop and I am not using Advanced Stock Management.
Could anyone point in the right direction. Thanks so much.

Thanks so much.
PS: If you need an example you can check it out on www.netram.co.za

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