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Modifiy flags positions in block language selector

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due to market specificities, I've newly created one Australian language, adding to already existing English-US, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portugese

the problem is that this Australian flag appears at the very end of the language block selector which is not quite 'logical', i would like it to be just under the English-US flag 

Idealy it should appear that way on the language selector, from top to bottom :

{English-US, English-UK, English-Au}{French, Spanish, Italian, Portugese}{German}

i already made lots of translations, so deleting/re-creating each language just to have the flags in order of their creation would be crazily heavy....

any workaround ?...




Edited by superskyman100 (see edit history)
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By default languages are ordered by id_lang from ps_lang table in database. You have 3 possible solutions:

  1. Change id_lang to reorder as you want (be carefull with this option, you can lose data).
  2. Modify blocklanguages::_prepareHook function to reorder languages list as you want after get it on $languages = Language::getLanguages(true, $this->context->shop->id); line.
  3. Change Language::loadLanguages to modify languages order list.


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