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Different units of measurement for products


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Hello all,

I would like to sell products by weight, e.g. to specify the price per kilogram and then let the customer buy the product in decimal values of the kilogram. The customer will see the price per kilo, choose the weight to buy, and only that weight will count on the order.

Is there any theme that does this? Like a weight scale in a supermarket. 

Free theme would be the best...


Thanks a lot,


Aldeia do granel


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Thanks a lot Rolige and spoorti1509 I 'll do that and try also another thing if you know it's possible: to set for example one 150g pack of rosemary and 500g pack of same plant together in a scroll down menu in the rosemary page so that the customer can choose first the base quantity of 150 or 500g and then the unit quantity times that quantity, for example 3 times 150g, 450g and the price will update in the product page and in the cart: is this possible? 

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