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[SOLVED] Attach Credit slip as PDF to mail sent to customer

Mikael Mortensen

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I use Prestashop 1.6, and generate a Credit slip when customers return products from their ordre.

When creating a credit slip in the order, using the "partial refund" function, the customer automatically gets an e-mail, which says that a credit slip has been created. The e-mail is based on the template named credit_slip.html.

Is it possible to attach the credit slip as a PDF to this e-mail automatically?

I've been searching the forum, and can see, that I might have to change something in AdminOrdersController. But what should I Change?

Maybe something around line 990?:

                            if (!OrderSlip::create($order, $product_list, $shipping, $voucher, $choosen)) {
                                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('A credit slip cannot be generated. ');
                            } else {
                                Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', array('order' => $order, 'productList' => $full_product_list, 'qtyList' => $full_quantity_list), null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop);
                                    Mail::l('New credit slip regarding your order', (int)$order->id_lang),
                                    $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname,

Hope you can help...

Best regards,

Edited by Mikael Mortensen
Solved (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

In AdminOrdersController.php look for OrderSlip::create

I changed it to this around liine 990 to the following in the else function

                        if (!OrderSlip::create($order, $product_list, $shipping, $voucher, $choosen)) {
                                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('A credit slip cannot be generated. ');
                            } else {
                                Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', array('order' => $order, 'productList' => $full_product_list, 'qtyList' => $full_quantity_list), null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop);
								// Get id_order_slip based on customer ID and Order ID
								$orderSlipTemp = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlip((int)($order->id_customer), (int)($order->id), true);
								// Create objects and PDF
								$orderSlip = new OrderSlip((int) ($orderSlipTemp[0]['id_order_slip']));
								$orderNew = new Order((int)$orderSlip->id_order);
								if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($orderNew))
									die(Tools::displayError('The order cannot be found within your database.'));
								$orderNew->products = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlipProducts($orderSlip->id, $orderNew);
								$pdf = new PDF($orderSlip, PDF::TEMPLATE_ORDER_SLIP, $this->context->smarty);
								$file_attachement['content'] = $pdf->render(false);
								$file_attachement['name'] = $pdf->filename;
								$file_attachement['mime'] = 'application/pdf';

                                    Mail::l('New credit slip regarding your order', (int)$order->id_lang),
                                    $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname,

I also found around like 725 and changed it to the following

                        if (!OrderSlip::create($order, $order_detail_list, $shipping_cost_amount, $voucher, $choosen,
                            (Tools::getValue('TaxMethod') ? false : true))) {
                            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You cannot generate a partial credit slip.');
                        } else {
                            Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', array('order' => $order, 'productList' => $order_detail_list, 'qtyList' => $full_quantity_list), null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop);
							// Get id_order_slip based on customer ID and Order ID
							$orderSlipTemp = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlip((int)($order->id_customer), (int)($order->id), true);
							// Create objects and PDF
							$orderSlip = new OrderSlip((int) ($orderSlipTemp[0]['id_order_slip']));
							$orderNew = new Order((int)$orderSlip->id_order);
							if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($orderNew))
								die(Tools::displayError('The order cannot be found within your database.'));
							$orderNew->products = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlipProducts($orderSlip->id, $orderNew);
							$pdf = new PDF($orderSlip, PDF::TEMPLATE_ORDER_SLIP, $this->context->smarty);
							$file_attachement['content'] = $pdf->render(false);
							$file_attachement['name'] = $pdf->filename;
							$file_attachement['mime'] = 'application/pdf';
                            $customer = new Customer((int)($order->id_customer));
                            $params['{lastname}'] = $customer->lastname;
                            $params['{firstname}'] = $customer->firstname;
                            $params['{id_order}'] = $order->id;
                            $params['{order_name}'] = $order->getUniqReference();

                                Mail::l('New credit slip regarding your order', (int)$order->id_lang),
                                $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname,


Edited by Casper_O (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

Hello, I'm trying to do same for 1.7.8 version. But there is no AdminOrdersController.php

I found similar file in classes/order/OrderHistory.php where is

    public function sendEmail($order, $template_vars = false)
        $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
            SELECT osl.`template`, c.`lastname`, c.`firstname`, osl.`name` AS osname, c.`email`, os.`module_name`, os.`id_order_state`, os.`pdf_invoice`, os.`pdf_delivery`
            FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_history` oh
                LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` o ON oh.`id_order` = o.`id_order`
                LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'customer` c ON o.`id_customer` = c.`id_customer`
                LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_state` os ON oh.`id_order_state` = os.`id_order_state`
                LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_state_lang` osl ON (os.`id_order_state` = osl.`id_order_state` AND osl.`id_lang` = o.`id_lang`)
            WHERE oh.`id_order_history` = ' . (int) $this->id . ' AND os.`send_email` = 1');
        if (isset($result['template']) && Validate::isEmail($result['email'])) {

            $topic = $result['osname'];
            $carrierUrl = '';
            if (Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier = new Carrier((int) $order->id_carrier, $order->id_lang))) {
                $carrierUrl = $carrier->url;
            $data = [
                '{lastname}' => $result['lastname'],
                '{firstname}' => $result['firstname'],
                '{id_order}' => (int) $this->id_order,
                '{order_name}' => $order->getUniqReference(),
                '{followup}' => str_replace('@', $order->getWsShippingNumber(), $carrierUrl),
                '{shipping_number}' => $order->getWsShippingNumber(),

            if ($result['module_name']) {
                $module = Module::getInstanceByName($result['module_name']);
                if (Validate::isLoadedObject($module) && isset($module->extra_mail_vars) && is_array($module->extra_mail_vars)) {
                    $data = array_merge($data, $module->extra_mail_vars);

            if (is_array($template_vars)) {
                $data = array_merge($data, $template_vars);

            $context = Context::getContext();
            $data['{total_paid}'] = Tools::getContextLocale($context)->formatPrice((float) $order->total_paid, Currency::getIsoCodeById((int) $order->id_currency));

            if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) {
                // Attach invoice and / or delivery-slip if they exists and status is set to attach them
                if (($result['pdf_invoice'] || $result['pdf_delivery'])) {
                    $currentLanguage = $context->language;
                    $orderLanguage = new Language((int) $order->id_lang);
                    $context->language = $orderLanguage;
                    $invoice = $order->getInvoicesCollection();
                    $file_attachement = [];

                    if ($result['pdf_invoice'] && (int) Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE') && $order->invoice_number) {
                        Hook::exec('actionPDFInvoiceRender', ['order_invoice_list' => $invoice]);
                        $pdf = new PDF($invoice, PDF::TEMPLATE_INVOICE, $context->smarty);
                        $file_attachement['invoice']['content'] = $pdf->render(false);
                        $file_attachement['invoice']['name'] = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', (int) $order->id_lang, null, $order->id_shop) . sprintf('%06d', $order->invoice_number) . '.pdf';
                        $file_attachement['invoice']['mime'] = 'application/pdf';
                    if ($result['pdf_delivery'] && $order->delivery_number) {
                        $pdf = new PDF($invoice, PDF::TEMPLATE_DELIVERY_SLIP, $context->smarty);
                        $file_attachement['delivery']['content'] = $pdf->render(false);
                        $file_attachement['delivery']['name'] = Configuration::get('PS_DELIVERY_PREFIX', (int) $order->id_lang, null, $order->id_shop) . sprintf('%06d', $order->delivery_number) . '.pdf';
                        $file_attachement['delivery']['mime'] = 'application/pdf';

                    $context->language = $currentLanguage;
                } else {
                    $file_attachement = null;

                if (!Mail::Send(
                    (int) $order->id_lang,
                    $result['firstname'] . ' ' . $result['lastname'],
                    (int) $order->id_shop
                )) {
                    return false;


        return true;

Probably best place is in "else" where is $file_attachement = null; But i dont know how to determinate when order has credit slip and when not. If there is anyone who is able to do it for - I will buy him more than one coffee :) I need attach credit slip to "credit_slip" e-mail template and change order status to custom status with ID 17.

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