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Can someone please help me with Inodes issue?


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My site keeps going down due to having more than 1 million inodes.  I finally got this not so helpful e-mail (below) from my web host and I have no idea what to do or how to fix.  Can anyone please help?  I cannot afford a web developer at this time but if I can get back on my feet I can possibly send money at a later time.  Going through some rough times...  I am not a developer but I do know how to log in to my WHM and cPanel.  


Thank you for contacting support. We recently found your VPS server hitting inode limits, we have temporarily increased the package limits on your server to prevent further service interruption. The services on your VPS will not function correctly once you hit the inode limit for the VPS. You will need to remove any unwanted files from the VPS to reduce the total inode usage.

The VPS packages are limited to 1,000,000 total inodes (files). The temporary increase in limits will be reduced automatically after 72 hours. Please note that the inode limit will revert back to the default value of 1,000,000 after 72 hours on March 28 2019, at 22:11 CDT.

I am including below a breakdown of the inode usage for /home:

864807  /home
844772  /home/buggalena
466055  /home/buggalena/public_html
377600  /home/buggalena/cachebackup
376597  /home/buggalena/public_html/cache
375508  /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs
58818   /home/buggalena/public_html/img
54224   /home/buggalena/public_html/img/p
23926   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/c
23816   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/a
23747   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/7
23735   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/c
23710   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/f
23707   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/0
23703   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/d
23696   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/9
23656   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/8
23648   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/b
23636   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/2
23624   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/2
23616   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/a
23614   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/3
23538   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/5
23512   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/d
23511   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/0
23483   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/6
23479   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/e
23476   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/8
23467   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/b
23446   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/9
23443   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/5
23443   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/1
23393   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/1
23392   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/f
23360   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/6
23358   /home/buggalena/cachebackup/4
23357   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/4
23331   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/7
23192   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/e
23061   /home/buggalena/public_html/cache/cachefs/3

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