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server error suddenly


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Good morning, I searched for a similar post but could not find one so here it is: I had a module which would not uninstall so I did it via ftp by just deleting the contents and folder. Now when I attempt to click on a product details in the front end I get a server error (500). I can click from main menu to a category but when attempting to go one level deeper about the product I get the error. I have looked at the logs and do not find it. I am using v. 1.72. Nothing else was changed. I do not find on my dashboard the often refereed to debug mode. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the reply. Found debug but the results are not that easily sorted out for some of us.

  1. in FrontController.php line 1715
  2. at ErrorHandler->handleError('8', 'Undefined index: QUERY_STRING', '/hermes/bosnacweb02/bosnacweb02ai/b0/ipg.website/shop/classes/controller/FrontController.php', '1715', array('extraParams' => array('q' => null, 'page' => null), 'uriWithoutParams' => '/suspension/', 'url' => 'https://www.website.com/suspension/', 'params' => array())) in FrontController.php line 1715
  3. at FrontControllerCore->updateQueryString(array('q' => null, 'page' => null)) in ProductListingFrontController.php line 166
  4. at ProductListingFrontControllerCore->renderFacets(object(ProductSearchResult)) in ProductListingFrontController.php line 343
  5. at ProductListingFrontControllerCore->getProductSearchVariables() in ProductListingFrontController.php line 539
  6. at ProductListingFrontControllerCore->doProductSearch('catalog/listing/category', array('entity' => 'category', 'id' => '21')) in CategoryController.php line 106
  7. at CategoryControllerCore->init() in CategoryController.php line 103
  8. at CategoryController->init() in Controller.php line 186
  9. at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 379
  10. at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28
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At (7). you see that there is an override (shop/override/controllers/front/listing/CategoryController.php) installed and active in your shop. This might have been installed by the module you manually deinstalled. . Maybe you can see in the content of the file if this belongs to your uninstalled module or if it's need by someting else. Anyway you can deactivate it by renaming it to someting like CategoryController.php.old and see if this solves your issue.


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Thanks for the reply. The page controller page appears to belong to the pretty urls module. When I rename it that particular error simply doesn't show up. Maybe its not even related to the module I removed. Maybe get rid of the pretty urls module. Which was working with no issues before. Thanks again!

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Things are simply a mess. Is there a method anymore to manually up grade? 1 click upgrade has never worked for me. Seems like re install maybe my best avenue at this point. Things where great until the one module was installed. Thanks!

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Still errors. I am thinking something major is corrupted. I am not able to uninstall modules not upload new ones. I get a 502 error when attempting to upload. Since 1 click upgrade doesn't work I am looking at the upgrade to 1.75 manually. Thanks for asking.

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I am looking at the Symfony profiler but am not able to ferret out which errors are the culprit. I am trying to grasp what is there but its a whole lot of info. I am wondering if PHP 5.5.22 may be a issue. But things had been rolling along (seemingly) well for some time now with PHP 5.5.22. But in searching I find below 5.6 may be a issue. But all that is above my pay grade.

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Yes that is your issue, you should be running php 7.2. Ask your hosting to install MultiPHP Manager ideally which will allow you to choose various php versions in the event of misbehaving modules.


Note: just noticed you're using version 1.7.2, possibly a lower php version is better for that, but you should be safe if hosting installs the MultiPHP so you can select any version. My guess is that your modules are going to need to be upgraded at the same time.

Edited by jetx (see edit history)
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I think I will just get out of this platform. The lack of quality documentation to get oneself out of the woods is ridiculous. I really don't have the time to find out why this is suddenly they way it is. Thus this has been a complete waste of money and time.

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Yeah, probably try something like thirtybees, seems a good choice for people that are new to the terrible ways that PS runs itself. Having said that I personally love 1.7.5 and wouldn't downgrade (my opinion) to other platforms.

For sure trying to upgrade a 1.6 to 1.7 or 1.7 to 1.7.5 is pretty mind numbing. The issue here is that because there are literally thousands of people that have similar issues for years now nobody can be bothered to keep trying to assist the same thing over and over again. PS staff, apart from the unpaid moderators, do very little. So it's up to the end user to spend hours going through forum threads and then forge and github, etc. I've been working with PS since 2014 so know it pretty well and getting a 1.7 shop up and running is not that difficult once you understand things.

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