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Perfomance issues, combos, loading


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So the situation is the following I have products with multiple combinations:

Four Attributes with the following number of values

1)      - 19 values

2)      - 6 values

3)      - 6 values

4)      - 3 values

So ~3600 combination per product, with 30 products now that gives me >100000 rows. each with different price. I do load them from CVS file (take ages, but works on localhost), however - from customer side:

1) when selecting the product the product page loads slow (freezes 2-3 sec before it starts loading)

2) when changing the attribute – the price updates very slow giving the impression nothing happens and provking customer to click around, selecting other values etc.  

As a workaround I thought to add sort of "loading animation" while the above happens so the customer would wait (not ideal one, but no better ideas though) – any thoughts what would be the best way to do so?

Also, if there is any solution for my primal problem regarding slow updates and multiple combinations (but take care – each row needs to have customized (at least this 3600) price so I am currently taking the values form the CVS  where each line has dedicated price (and not setting any "price impact rules" in Product backoffice, that anyway is not accessible when cominations are updated stopping on a white screen)

Thank you kindly and looking forward to any help.

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