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Prestashop suitability for; multi click items, interactive demos and videos


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Hey guys,

I'm trying to get my head around the suitability of Prestashop for my needs, hopefully someone can help shed some light on things for me?

What I want to set up is a shop with the following features;

  • People can select a number of items on the screen at the same time before adding them to the cart.
  • The items visible for sale are not images, they are videos and when you click on each thumbnail you are then able to see the demo and try it out for yourself - as an example if you clicked a thumbnail it would show you the following link (but still within the shop page and in a frame) https://articulateusercontent.com/review/items/mP3f44szg_9bnfH3/story_html5.html

What my ultimate goal here is to allow a user to select as many 'slides' (which will be a library of ones like the link above) as they like and for them to be listed in the order they have chosen so that when they checkout I get a breakdown of which slide comes 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.

Fingers crossed this might actually be possible?

Thank you! :D 




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