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Modify searchbar version 1.7


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I have modified the search bar to show the product image, but I'm struggling to get it to look the way I want it to. Is there a way to change it to display a table for the search result(s) and make it look like the pictures below? If so can someone please give me a sample code to work with, thank you.

I've attached two images, one of the way it looks now, the other of the way I would like it to look for reference.


How it is now:



How I would like it to look. If I can simply get the code for the basic layout, I'm pretty sure I can get the info to display the way I need it to.


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So I've got the image, product name and price in tables aligned next to each other now by modifying the ps_searchbar.js page like so:


 $.widget('prestashop.psBlockSearchAutocomplete', $.ui.autocomplete, {
        _renderItem: function (table, product) {

            return $("<table>")
.append($('<td rowspan="2"><img src="'+ product.cover.small.url +'" style="width: 52px; height: 52px"/></td>'))
                    .append($("<td style='width: 200px'>").html(product.name).addClass("product"))
.append($("</td><td rowspan='2'>").html(product.price).addClass("price"))
                ).appendTo(table)            ;

Can anyone help me figure out where & what I need to modify to get the condition and product category to display as well? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

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