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Adding products programmatically too slow

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I have a webservice that dump all the categories and products and then the service add the new data from a JSON file....

I'm used to work with Symfony and I handle thousands and thousand of entries in less that 30 seconds (+/-900,000 entries)... now in prestashop i'm using the classes Product` and `Category``and adding your 100 cats and 2000 products is taking more that 200 seconds.... It seems that in the core of prestashop there must be a `sleep()` between each `add`


Searching on the code i found more that 150 sleep calls (sleep\(([0-9]+))... Can anybody point me on why this so slow on prestashop and how can i fix this ?

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This has been coded this way probably to discourage brute force attacks.

You could say why not ip blocking, or token check etc.

I really don't know. In any case, as long as you want it to function another way, why not just to make an override where you will delete the sleep functions?

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Well the slowest part of the code was `$product->delete()`... I gain 150 seconds removing this block:

$sql = "SELECT `id_product` FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."product`";
$res = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);
if ($res) {
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $p = new Product($row['id_product']);

As you can see I'm deleting all the products... so instead of using the object `Product` i'm doing plain sql with `truncate` on all the necessary tables.

I'm still using the Product object to add the products so the script runs in 50 seconds.... Still too slow



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Is anyway I can force the id_product on the method `new Product($pim_id)... I think that if i update the data instead of creating again and again the data data`will be faster....

First execution will create the data if product returns false... but if it resturns true it will update the data

if($product = new Product($pim_id)){



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