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Problèmes surcharge CMSController.php

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Bonjour j'ai un souci avec l'activation de deux module: cmsproduct et Powerfull Form generator.

Powerfull Form generator est activé et configurer tout marche niquel le problèmes quand je veux activer l'autre module un message d'erreur arrive L'action enable est impossible pour le module cmsproducts. Impossible d'installer la surcharge : La méthode initContent de la classe CmsController est déjà surchargée par le module powerfulformgenerator version 2.7.2 au 2019-02-05 13:26:13 .

donc voilà je ne sais pas comment faire pour resoudre le problemes. je vous met les deux fichiers CmsController si ça peut vous aider



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Tu dois assembler manuellement les 2 override en 1

Consolider dans une même fonction les 2 segments de code

Et forcer l'installation manuellement


Partant de CMSController:


        preg_match_all('/\{powerfulform\:[(0-9\,)]+\}/i', $contents, $matches);
        foreach ($matches[0] as $index => $match) {
            $explode = explode(":", $match);
            $contents = str_replace($match, $this->generatePFG(str_replace("}", "", $explode[1])), $contents);

        return $contents;

Dans la returnContent actuelle



        $parent_cat = new CMSCategory(1, $this->context->language->id);
        $this->context->smarty->assign('id_current_lang', $this->context->language->id);
        $this->context->smarty->assign('home_title', $parent_cat->name);
        $this->context->smarty->assign('cgv_id', Configuration::get('PS_CONDITIONS_CMS_ID'));

        if ($this->assignCase == 1) {
            if ($this->cms->indexation == 0) {
                $this->context->smarty->assign('nobots', true);

            if (version_compare(Tools::substr(_PS_VERSION_, 0, 3), '1.7', '>=')) {
                $currentCms = $this->objectPresenter->present($this->cms);
                $currentCms['content'] = $this->returnContent($currentCms['content']);

                    'cms' => $currentCms,

                    array('entity' => 'cms', 'id' => $this->cms->id)
            } else {
                if (isset($this->cms->id_cms_category) && $this->cms->id_cms_category) {
                    $path = Tools::getFullPath($this->cms->id_cms_category, $this->cms->meta_title, 'CMS');
                } elseif (isset($this->cms_category->meta_title)) {
                    $path = Tools::getFullPath(1, $this->cms_category->meta_title, 'CMS');
                $this->cms->content = $this->returnContent($this->cms->content);

                    'cms' => $this->cms,
                    'content_only' => (int)Tools::getValue('content_only'),
                    'path' => $path,
                    'body_classes' => array($this->php_self.'-'.$this->cms->id, $this->php_self.'-'.$this->cms->link_rewrite)

        } elseif ($this->assignCase == 2) {
            if (version_compare(Tools::substr(_PS_VERSION_, 0, 3), '1.7', '>=')) {
            } else {
                    'category' => $this->cms_category, //for backward compatibility
                    'cms_category' => $this->cms_category,
                    'sub_category' => $this->cms_category->getSubCategories($this->context->language->id),
                    'cms_pages' => CMS::getCMSPages($this->context->language->id, (int)$this->cms_category->id, true, (int)$this->context->shop->id),
                    'path' => ($this->cms_category->id !== 1) ? Tools::getPath($this->cms_category->id, $this->cms_category->name, false, 'CMS') : '',
                    'body_classes' => array($this->php_self.'-'.$this->cms_category->id, $this->php_self.'-'.$this->cms_category->link_rewrite)

Dans la initContent actuelle

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