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Change customer login


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Hello, im using prestashop 1.7.5 and i need to change the customer login requirements.

Instead of having to register the usual way, this would have to check people already registered in our database, so they would login using a docket number and their identity number. It would check if the identity number and the docket match, and the docket would be checked in the database, and if its no longer there (not longer a member) the login will be denied.


Where would i find the file/s to edit these things? As im guessing both the fields and querries should be changed.



Edited by tvc (see edit history)
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I tried changing login-form.tpl in "themes\classic\templates\customer\_partials" but no change is reflected on the login screen, the only time i see a difference is if i delete the file, which makes that specific page unnaccesible, but else, no change is noted, so im guessing i'll have to change some other file.

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6 hours ago, JBW said:

Check your template complilation settings if you do changes on template files:


Ty, it seems it just takes a bit, apparently "customer-form" also shows the changes.

But if im not really sure how this is done, if i change a field, then the submit button just reloads the page, not logging in or telling me something is wrong. Any input in how this is done ?

Edited by tvc (see edit history)
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