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PS 1.6 Override renderView in AdminAttributesGroupsController


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I am trying to figure out how to override field_list in AdminAttributesGroupsController. In this controller situation is a little bit different then in other controllers where you can override field_list easily via __construct(). This controller show list of attributes and then renderView override fields_list from __construct() for rendering list of attribute values. Does anyone has experience with this specific controller? What I am trying to do it add new column to list of attribute values.

Thanks for help.

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21 hours ago, quiced said:


I am trying to figure out how to override field_list in AdminAttributesGroupsController. In this controller situation is a little bit different then in other controllers where you can override field_list easily via __construct(). This controller show list of attributes and then renderView override fields_list from __construct() for rendering list of attribute values. Does anyone has experience with this specific controller? What I am trying to do it add new column to list of attribute values.

Thanks for help.

Why don't you override renderView() the same way you do with __construct()?

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