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Geolocation / Volume Discount table display incorrect even though actual price calculation is correct


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Hi, folks,

hope new topics will be read at all, given the current spam overflow I notice in the general discussion forum.

I have yet another issue linked to geolocation and specific prices.

I am "rebuilding" my existing shop (from 1.6) with the current version

Now I'm also trying something crazy: Actually making different prices for different countries.

The good part is: It actually works! Kindof. With prestshop's inbuilt geolocation feature I was able to get a correct price display, and also the shopping cart and checkout carry the correct price, for non logged and logged on customers.

However: And this is the reason for my question: The display of volume discounts seems to be wrong. The table in the product detail page, which shows the customer the discounts they can expect when they order more of the same product. This shows the specific prices that I have set for Germany only, also when the customer is not in Germany. (I am in Indonesia at the moment, and I have a VPN pretending to be in Germany which I can turn on or off, so I can test this quite nicely right now).

So what happens is the discounts are displayed which belong to Germany, no matter where the customer is.

But when the quantity is increased, the price displayed next to the quantity field is correct as I want it. However it is clearly different from the volume discount table displayed just below.

To create additional difficulty, even this mistake is not reliable. On my smartphone, it's wrong. On my laptop, it's sometimes correct and sometimes wrong (right now I see it correctly in Firefox, wrong in Chrome, and also wrong when I ask geopeeker.com which may be more reliable than any of my local viewers). I haven't found a real systematics behind this.

I am fairly sure that if I buy El Patron's module, it will work just fine. I'd still like to know whether there is a "free" way to get this sorted, as my shop is sooo small and tiny and I'm glad I have a free shop system etc you know what I mean. Also the actual price calculation already works. I'm sooo close!

The test environment has this link https://test.featsonic.com/en/organic-coconut-oil/8-organic-coconut-oil-1000ml-1l-0737069792637.html

Hope somebody has seen this before and knows a nice and simple fix. 

Attached a screenshot where you can see for quantity 2, the price calculated by the shop is different from the price shown in the "Volume Discounts" table. "Volume Discounts" is wrong (shows specific prices and discounts for Germany), price calculation is correct (calculates discount and base price for "rest of the world").

Thanks a lot!




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Also maybe interesting to note: The volume discounts table shows the discounts I set for Germany only, but it applies the tax which belong to the "rest of the world". So even the tax rule behind the volume discounts table is correctly used, but on the wrong base price. The result is messed up in a number of ways.

So the only thing my prestashop installation gets wrong is this: It pulls the volume discounts table which belong to the wrong country.

I tried clearing the cache in the shop and in the browser, turned a number of other switches on and off but so far it doesn't reliably go away.

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If anyone would have a hint on this, it would be appreciated.

Without hints, I think I might replace the tables with manual tables. That would not be geolocation based any more but only language based, and of course wouldn't adjust if I ever change the prices. Not so nice but will do if this doesn't function. Right now it just has a tendency to be all wrong.


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