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Prestashop can't see my module

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  • 6 months later...

I've been at Prestashop for about a month now, and it took me three days to figure this out - I _THINK_ it's because somewhere along the Upload process an entry gets created in the `authorization_role` table followed by the `access` table.   Without these entries the Back Office TABS and/or MODULES you place in the directory cannot be seen. 

For 'MyCustomBackEndModule', I had to add via SQL INSERT to the `authorization_role` table:





And because I had a TAB installed, I also had to add 





Then I took the IDs that were generated from these commands above and also had to find the proper profile id for the administrator ( probably 1 ) and SQL INSERT them into the `access` table.

Of course, all of the permissions are dependent on what kind of access you want.  Administrator should probably have all the access, but if your module has a front end editing component, you may want to limit the `access` for other profile ids

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