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Deleting products except images PS1.7


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Copying images through FTP takes a long time 

Images are assigned to products by image URL in CSV and product ID if I understand correctly so it will by linked automatically i hope.

So is there way to delete products without deleting images? 

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10 hours ago, musicmaster said:

By far the easiest it is when you make the csv import an update. You can provide a matching field for that purpose.

You mean to add new special column for a purpose of connecting imgs to prods? 

If yes, what should be in a column and how it should be named? 


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No. I mean that at the moment you have a product in your Prestashop system with reference xyz and that the same reference can also be found in your csv file. You when you important the csv file you say that it should use the reference field to recognize existing products. So product xyz will be updated with the values in the csv. Values that are not in the csv - like the image - will not be changed.

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