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[SOLVED] Product images getting Bleached/whiter


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Hello prestapeople

Im having some trouble with my shops product images and im now wondering if anybody else has the same problem and/or maybe a solution to said problem...

My stores uploaded product images is losing vividness/color/getting bleached thats the problem

but wait its only the image you view when your on the productpage.

The thickbox picture is OK the thumbnails are OK but the one you view on the productpage looks whiter and boring the color is faded.

Why is it like that? anybody?

Best regards

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did you upload your images with prestashop or did you put them directly il the good repertory?

Maybe the problem appear when you create the image on your computer, I'm not a professional, but I know someone who have the same probleme on is personnal website (not a prestashop)

Hope I help you.

(Sorry for my English, i'm french)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Okay, I'm having this bleached out image issue and can not find an answer. Getting frustrated. No code lines that everyone apparently has and changes to make it work exists in any of my php or css files.


My product images were taken with a professional camera, edited in Photoshop, saved at maximum quality and look great. I've had no problem uploading my images to my product pages, until just now. All of a sudden the images are desaturated when uploaded: bleached out, colorless. The photos I've already uploaded still look fine, but the newest images are losing their color and quality.


I've spent the last two hours scouring this forum and google, but the only suggestions (such as changing images.inc.php line 40: imagejpeg($newImage, _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$cacheImage, 94) ; and line 236: $flag = imagejpeg($ressource, $filename, 94) ; I can find that tell me to change a number of my code (jpeg quality) don't even exist in my images.inc.php file. My line of code is this:

$flag = imagejpeg($ressource, $filename, (int)$quality);

and it's the only line of code in the images.inc.php file that has anything to do with imagejpeg.


Same with the suggestion above to delete the opacity in global.css. That's not even in my global file anywhere. Most threads about image quality are 1-2 years old. And they all say solved. Well....it's not solved for me. Nothing works. I can't go any further on my site if my images are uploading like crap.


I've changed whatever line of code I could find that was even remotely close to those above and it's done nothing. And I've regenerated my thumbnails numerous times, tried re-uploading my images, but to no avail. Every new image is bleached out all of a sudden. Any ideas???


I'm using version currently.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...

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