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Gros bug depuis 2 semaines...


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Je souhaiterais savoir si je suis la seule à avoir de gros bug sur presta depuis 2 semaines ça rame sans arrêt c' est horrible impossible de bosser correctement...

Avez vous le même problème ?

Prestashop m'a répondu en me disant qu il y avait un gros bug au niveau national ..!!! et qu il n arrive pas à résoudre le problème ...


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1 minute ago, 1200482_1508439112 said:

qu il y avait un gros bug au niveau national


mondial, voici ce qui peut t'aider




Yesterday (10/10/18), we reached a threshold in our hosting network infrastructure. We implemented corrective actions on our network appliance hoster & our gamification servers. As a result, shops’ back offices & the Addons marketplace were running again at an acceptable speed.

This morning, you may experience slowdowns due to maintenance actions.

Here are our next steps: 

- Short-term, we are working with our hoster to multiply our bandwidth capacity. 
- Mid-term, we will be making major changes to gamification in terms of hosting and code.


If you're still facing issues to access your BO, we suggest you delete the xml file (through your FTP) which is in the config/xml folder. It will regenerate itself & you should be able to login again.

If you're facing slowdowns in your back office, we suggest you:

- rename the modules/gamification folder. 
- use this workaround to deactivate the API calls >> 

Please excuse us for these inconveniences,

The Prestashop Addons Team (entirely mobilized ;). 

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