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Log In Issues

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I was testing my store today, and decided to test the Customer Login. Unfortunately, the page link didn't work and it went to a pHp list for that page. I reset the module, thinking that might resolve the issue, but now the Login button is just gone! I've tried resetting the module and turning it off and on, but it still won't reappear! Please help!

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  • razaro changed the title to Log In Issues
19 hours ago, musicmaster said:

Sorry. It evades me what you are talking about. Maybe you can add pictures.

Can you also add some basic information, like Prestashop version, language and any special aspects of your shop (like multishop).?

PrestaShop version is, language is English, and I'm not sure what counts as special aspects, but I don't have multishop.



This is the module in question, you can see it's enabled, the dropdown box doesn't have any options.


This is where "Log/Sign In" usually appears, but isn't anymore.


Where should the settings for customer login be, if it's not meant to be a module?


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10 hours ago, musicmaster said:

ok, I see. I am not that familiar with 1.7 modules.

What might have happened is that the module has gone off its hook. So you might need to attach it again. It should be attached to displayNav2 at position 3.

You can do this under Design->Positions in the backoffice.

Thank you so much! That worked! My sign in is back on my page, but it still goes to the weird php(?) page.




Do you know how to fix this? I'm not very familiar with php. For now I'm going to deactivate it.

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1 hour ago, ThudGames said:

I'm not really sure what you mean, there's no question mark... Just the page that I posted the screen shot of.

The only screenshot you published was without customer Sign In link. So it is neither clear how it looks at your site nor what you consider weird about it and would like to be different.

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2 hours ago, musicmaster said:

The only screenshot you published was without customer Sign In link. So it is neither clear how it looks at your site nor what you consider weird about it and would like to be different.


That's the entirety of the web page that shows when you click on the Sign In link. The page it goes to doesn't contain the Sign In link anymore, it doesn't contain anything. I'm not sure why it looks like that, but I would prefer that it went to an actual web page, preferably with some sort of customer log in or sign up option. Does that make sense?

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