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Won't save opening hours of Store

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I have a Presta 1.7.3 with two physical stores. They are set up in > Contacts > Stores (but I run the Dutch version so this may be different in your language.)

When I save a time window for opening hours e.g. the example '10:00 - 21:30' and I hit Save the page does return to the shop list. When I visit the Store details again nothing is saved.

In the database _store_lang.hours a string is set as '[null,null,null,null,null,null,null]'.
I did try to modify the database by hand '[["10:00 - 21:30"],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""]]' but this is not reflected in the details page for the store.

This used to work in a previous version of Prestashop but there the hours were stored in _store.


MySQL versie: 10.0.36-MariaDB-cll-lve
PHP-versie: 7.1.22

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They ninja modded something to contacts that ain't on the change log. In fact I am seeing reports of contacts actually saying CMS now instead.

Let me go look at that branch on github and see what really changed that didnt make it to the readme.

I don't see any changes on the github that will affect this. I am doing a file compare on the downloads from the site to see if there is a whoopsie:) Will take a long time. Be back later.

I do not see anything that would cause in I just saw what you wrote:P 1.7.3.... Slaps forehead. -.3 fixes a ton of issues try upgrading.



Edited by jstillings1 (see edit history)
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