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wrong reduced Final price for all product without any special price

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Hi everybody,

Its been more than 24 hours I'm experiencing strange problem. I had an order in 7pm and all prices are ok, next order was in 1am and 2am and prices are wrong. All products which doesn't have any "Specific Price" All final prices are reduced with same X amount. in FO Category page, Product page, Cart and payment methods, Prices are reduced with this X amount. There is no Special price, There is no Catalog price rules, No modules added in past weeks! It couldn't be tax, Because tax increase prices and doesn't reduce prices! Its not percent, Its constant X amount on all products.

After this problem, I also download my presta version and replace all files in these four folders(admin, classes, controllers, tools) and nothing changed, problem still exist. I also checked my DB from myphpadmin and there was nothing strange.

Just 5 days before this issue I restore my server files to 4 days before that. But in all these 5 days I received many orders and work on products and many registered customers. What I mean is that in these 5 days everything looks fine and there was no error.

I'm really really have no idea! Where should look for this error?


you can see in attachments:


(base price) 40.000-10.000=30.000 (final price)

(base price) 49.900-10.000=39.900 (final price)

(base price) 139.000-10.000=129.000 (final price)

(base price) 159.000-10.000=149.000 (final price)

(base price) 46.000-10.000=36.000 (final price)




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  • 3 months later...
On 10/2/2018 at 12:39 PM, vvaahhiidd said:

I found the reason. there was a special price in DB with product_id 0 in special price table. and when I removed it the problem was solved.

Hi! I have the same problem! Can you explain how you solved it and in what table of the DB was the problem?


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9 minutes ago, ruben_ortega said:

Hi! I have the same problem! Can you explain how you solved it and in what table of the DB was the problem?


I've already found where the problem was. In the table "ps_specific_price" there was a discount line with id_product = 0. By removing that line everything works fine.

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21 minutes ago, ruben_ortega said:

Hi! I have the same problem! Can you explain how you solved it and in what table of the DB was the problem?


Yes, Sure!

first of all please be sure that you have the same problem (Because my language is Farsi (Iran) and you might didn't get the text in picture). Pictures shows that all products have a static reduced price (fixed price example: 10$ is reduced from all products). for me the reason was that there was a specific price related to productID=0 (don't know how!) and it seems because there is no productID=0 so the price is reduced from all products.

These table are related to the specific price rules:







Search these table (specially in ps_specific_price) for product_id equal "0" (search with query or sorting or navigating pages) then remove the row from the table and refresh your product page to see if the problem is solved. (backup your DB first)

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