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categories don't show in front office nor in back office (they 're still in the database)

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PS and Template Panda2 (2.3.7). Everything working decently well. But then ... i switched to multistore ...

Then I noticed in the front office that the category tree was not showing the plus simbol where you click to unfold subcategories.

In the category manager page, in the back office, the first level categories were the only showing there. The action buttons only let me modify the category but the "view" button is missing.

Then i went to phpmyadmin and i didn't see any missing category at first sight (not an expert). So the categories still are there, stored in the database, but somehow they not show in prestashop.

I tried to add a brand-new category having one of the first level categories (the ones showed normally in prestashop) as parent, and it worked. 

And then, back in the category manager, the button for "View" shows again.

I don't know how to solve this. I'm afraid i'm going to manualy rebuild the category tree structure and prestashop is going to wreck it again, and again.

Anyone has an idea what is happening?

Later Update:  Multishop mode is active. I've just noticed the categories not showing in prestashop ar missing in the database table `ps_category_shop`

If i create a new category, a new record is added to the table, but i don't know the cause for the missing ones. 

Perhaps when i went to multishop not all the categories were included in the table ps_category_shop.

Is this a Prestashop Bug?

Is there an easy way (prestashop function or script) to rebuild the ps_category_shop table from the existing ps_category table?

Edited by CarlosLibertyoro (see edit history)
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