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Bạn kiểm tra lai các yêu cầu này nhé
Ồ, mình vừa xem sreenshot của bạn. Lỗi này do bạn chưa chmod file and folder trên host.

CHMOD 777 các thư mục sau không bao gồm các thư mục con /config, /upload, /download, /tools/smarty/compile.
CHMOD 777 toàn bộ các thư mục /img, /mails, /modules, /themes/prestashop/lang, /translations và thư mục con bên trong nó.

Có thể sử dụng FTP client nào tùy thích ( đề nghị CuteFTP 8 Pro) hoặc dùng Cpanel File Manager nếu bạn không có.

Whichever hosting service you use must have the following components installed on your server space:

* Linux, Unix, or Windows
* Apache Web server
* PHP 5.0 or later. (You may have to activate PHP 5 on your hosting service.)
* MySQL 4.1.14 or later

Install PrestaShop

Updated 30 June 2008

Now that you have the necessary components installed on your hosting server, there are a few things to check before installing the PrestaShop e-Commerce software.

1. While not necessary, we strongly recommend you create a database for your store, or use the database designated by your hosting company.
2. Turn on GD Library functionality. On a default installation of PHP, the GD Library is turned off. The standard Windows instructions are:
1. In the root directory of your PHP folder, open the php.ini file.
2. Uncomment the line extension=php_gd2.dll (about half-way through the file, in the middle of a long list of extensions) by deleting the ;
3. Restart the services.
3. Download the PrestaShop e-Commerce solution software.
4. Unzip the PrestaShop ZIP archive anywhere on your hard drive.
5. Upload the contents (not the folder itself) of the /prestashop folder to the root directory (e.g., http://www.mysite.com/) of your hosting server via FTP. You can also upload the files to a subdirectory you’ve created (e.g., http://www.mysite.com/prestashop/) if you wish to keep your root homepage separate.
6. While you have your FTP connected to your Web hosting server, make sure the following PrestaShop folders have ‘write’ permissions (also known as “CHMOD 777” – explanation of file permissions here) but do not apply these permissions recursively (to their subfolders): /config, /upload, /download, /tools/smarty/compile. Then make sure the following folders have ‘write’ permissions and apply these permissions recursively (to their subfolders): /img, /mails, /modules, /themes/prestashop/lang, /translations
7. In a Web browser, launch the Installer by adding install to your shop’s URL (e.g., http://www.mysite.com/prestashop/install).
8. Upon completing the PrestaShop Installer wizard, use your FTP software to navigate to your /prestashop folder. There, delete the /install folder and rename the /admin folder (for example, /admin123 or, even better, /xyz789). This is for security reasons. If later you forget the name you gave the /admin folder, you can confirm its name via your FTP browser.

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Vấn đề của bạn quá đơn giản, bạn có thể nhờ kỹ thuật bên ấy chỉnh giúp trong host. Vì bản Prestashop này nó không hợp trên host của họ do vậy phải chỉnh. Bạn đừng chỉnh làm gì cho nhọc, nhờ một tiếng thì chỉ 1 phút là OK ngay. Thế nhé có gì PM cho mình http://iqviet.com

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