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Oops! An Error Occurred "500 Internal Server Error" After Update to


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Hello !

Today I made upgrade from to after tryed in the last year to update via 1-Click Upgrade everything went fine this time but in the end it showed me some errors on DataBase and something about to roll back the back-up to but I clicked on "Canceled".

I ignored and moved on but I have the following issues now:


1º When a customer make a order in the end show a BLANK PAGE (See Attatched photo)

2º In Admin Panel when the customer make a order it show me on status  "--" For example see Order #774.

3º When we change the status mensage it show:


Oops! An Error Occurred

The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.




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