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NoIndex unable to delate


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First, Sorry if i write in wrong topic or title is not clear, i'm not native english.

I am administrator of prestashop shop https://mewa24.pl about week ago shop start to drop in traffic, and lost keywords. There were no changes made on it at that point.

Today i found noindex on every page. i do not have any AddOn specyfic to made noindex, i didn't add noindex to any file or update shop/template. Developer wasn't either.

today i made change in header.tpl i delate line of code generating noindex. Effect of this is like. Ctrl+U, there is no noindex in code F12(console) there is noindex in code. Google Search Console, download as Google there is no noindex, some 3 party internet testing tools no noindex, but Chrome SEO in One Click Tool shows noindex.

Better joke is, Firefox Ctrl+U and F12 there is no noindex, but Chrome ang Edge has noindex in F12.

any idea where it came from and how to delete it?

I cleared Cache.


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