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Prestashop Basket changes owner

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Hi, I am having some wierd problems with my Prestashop (1.7) installation. In fact, I have had serveral installations, and I have experienced the same problem on all of them all diferent versions, but 1.7 as main version, so I am very sure someone else must have experienced the same...

The problem is, when a customer is adding something to her or his basket. If I log myself in as a customer, even if the basket is abbandoned, SOMETIMES the basket becomes mine... So the stuff the customer put in his basket, is now in mine, and if I look in the admin console, my name is on the basket...

Why does this happen?? Its a big consern since that means that, if multiple cutomers visit the shop in the same time, they lose whatever is in their basket..


I have even tried, that while a customer was paying with her credit card, I loged in by accident, and her purchase became mine when she cane to the order confirmation page... Even the invoice had my name.. So I had to manually edit the customer id back to the customer, dirctly in the database, so she could get a correct invoice with her name on it.

It is a scary flaw.

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