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Reseni cestiny v PDF - Presta 1.0 final


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  • 2 weeks later...
dik :)

Zeptam se takhle mate nekdo prestashop a v nem fungujici PDF s ceskymi znaky ???
Pokud ano muzete napsat jak upravit soubory a pripadne prilozit soubor s fontem atd...


V souboru classes/pdf.php si to uprav jak chces. smazal jsem si sve info
a v BO si nastav PDF na cp1250 ,pismo:arialmt

edit: koukam ze se stahuje ,tak neni zac no


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  • 2 weeks later...


I live in Slovenia - we use practicaly the same symbols as Czech (same coding table cp1250 and same fonts). I managed to solve PDF invoice to print out our symbols normally with reading around some Czech threads, but I still have two problems. I can normally print out in PDF invoices (one by one) by clicking on Orders and then manually selecting one invoice from the list. But problems occur when I try to print out:

Orders -> Invoices -> Generate PDF file
Orders -> Credit Slips -> Generate PDF file

With those two options I don't get right characters printed out. I tried to change some settings in PDF.php and Tools.php but all without success. I am sending both file attachments (000003.pdf and invoices.pdf) where my problem is clearly visible. Do you have maybe any clue what could be wrong? How to change encoding, how to change fonts for those massive printings?

All I changed for now is: created new fonts (from arial.ttf in Windows) and planed them in tools/fpdf/font. Fonts are OK, because invoice is printed ok in single mode. Than I changed one single function in Tools.php:

static public function iconv($from, $to, $string)
return iconv($from, $to, $string);
$converted = htmlentities($string, ENT_NOQUOTES, $from);
$converted = html_entity_decode($converted, ENT_NOQUOTES, $to);
return $converted;

Other than that I tried to change some things in PDF.php but there's practically no need to change anything. However, any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Tomaz (Slovenia).

P.S. You can get both PDF files at:


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