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What are modules and other tools for my project and price


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I planning to build my online store but i'm not a programmer. But interesting to Prestashop but i got so many problems can't solve and has any questions:

Please some one can reference to me. What are module and service for my project if my project demanding there features:

Front end features:

1. This is multi online store(But for first time just one store after that i can create my self another store).

2. Customer register via mobile number verification.

3. In search bar can choose category search.

4. Each customer logging will suggestion to store nearest to buy product.

5. Customer Automatic get update if payment from customer/buyer ready received by our store acct. 

6. Can live chat with our customer and support wa chat from our registered customers. 

7.Customer can trace our shipping 


9. Maybe have other feature will added for next time. (If have any suggestion for me).

Back end features:

1. Can logging with staff with the appropriate task.

2. Have Purchase and inventory stock for small business (don't like ERP)

3. At purchase input will automately show the last price order from this product (like myob)

4. Each payment will get update(autoupdate) for payment for concerned bank.

5.  We can create any coupon to discount any customer order, free shipping and others promotions.

6. Each process will create from for signature concerned staff. (maybe like customer order > generate form product order to store>generate form store to carrier and others).

7.  Manager can any time any where can generate all report (maybe purchase, stock,  and others) 

8. In particular weekly auto generate stock check form to store department with signature.

10. Maybe have other feature will added for next time. (If have any suggestion for me)

My location in Indonesia. This info maybe use for you. 

I hope you can reference details for each module and service for my project each features will each price too.

Sorry about english..


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