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Green Padlock on Categories Pages

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I have SSL enabled in prestashop. All of my pages start with https://www, and most have a green padlock that says secure in Chrome. However, on the pages of categories and subcategories there is no green padlock. So it has https://www but goes from being green to having an exclamation point saying why the customer shouldn't enter any personal information. 

I've gone through the formula and edited all kinds of tpl. files, nothing worked. I went to whynopadlock.com and received this: 

A form with the action of "http://www.readyforanythinggear.com/ballistic-bookbags/?categories_rewrite=&noredirect=1" exists in the source code of the tested page.

This form needs to be updated to use "https://www.readyforanythinggear.com/ballistic-bookbags/?categories_rewrite=&noredirect=1" or another secure URL for your padlock to return.

I went to that page source and it looks like there are only 2 places in the page source where there are forms, relating to the blocklayered module, and newletter module. I removed the newletter from the footer, edited the .tpl and it didn't fix it. I've been messing with the blocklayered code, but I just don't know what to change to make it work.

Please, any guidance would be appreciated.

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