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Cum anulez obligativitatea de completare la one page checkout?

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Am cumparat de la presta modulul one page checkout si nu stiu cum sa fac sa anulez obligativitatea de a se posta intr-o anumita casuta (zip code de exemplu), am reusit sa anulez stelutele din respectiva casuta dar nu am reusit sa fac sa nu mai fie obligatoriu sa fie completata casuta.

Va rog frumos cine poate sa ma ajute.

Multumesc frumos.

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Asta e raspunsul pe care l-am primit eu cand am avut nevoie de asta de la Peter, creatorul modulului

Postcode is mandatory for Prestashop, so the only way is to hard-code it and hide postcode fields. Here is how: Edit file /modules/onepagecheckout/opc-order.tpl, there you would find following sections. Changes are highlighted in bold.

For delivery address:

{l s='Postal code / Zip code' template='address'}
<input type="text">
{if $one_page_checkout_settings.ex_texts}  ({l s='ex.' mod='onepagecheckout'} {l s='90104' mod='onepagecheckout'}){/if}

And for invoice address:

{l s='Postal code / Zip code' template='address'}
<input type="text" class="text" name="inv_postcode" id="inv_postcode" value="00000" />
{if $one_page_checkout_settings.ex_texts}  ({l s='ex.' mod='onepagecheckout'} {l s='90104' mod='onepagecheckout'}){/if}

Also you may want to remove Postcode from email templates (if you have not yet done so)
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