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payment module, available just for several countries

Stanciu Valentin

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i just finished a new payment module, and i'm very happy that everything is working alright from the install to the checkout of and order.
But each time when i install the module, i see that in the "Countries restrictions" box from "Payments" tab, my module is available for all countries
So my question is how can i set it up so when the module is installed it will just check the countries that i need.

Thank you

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I'm not sure how PrestaShop works with payment restrictions when installing modules. I'm guessing it just adds it to add countries. If it does, you could try adding a query to the install function of your module to remove the module from certain countries. For example:

$module = Db::getInstance()->executeS("SELECT `id_module` FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."module` WHERE `name` = '".$this->name."'");
if (sizeof($module) > 0)
  Db::getInstance()->execute("DELETE FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."module_country` WHERE `id_module` = ".$module[0]['id_module']." AND (`id_country` != 1 OR `id_country` != 2)");

Change 1 and 2 to the IDs of countries you want the module to be in. You can add more if necessary.

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