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How to set the options in product combinations as a required field instead of default?


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A problem concerning product creating in Prestashop is always bothering me--- How to set the options in product combinations as a required field?

Let me put it in this way, for example, when we add a new product, we need to add some combinations for the product. Such as different choices for colors/parameters. However, I can only set one option as default. In this case, when a customer added this product to cart, he even never knew there were different choices, so only the default option was added into cart. As a result, every time we need to contact the customer and asked if he really meant to choose the default option instead of other options.

And I have tried many times, and never managed to find a way to set the combinations as a required field, to remind or warn the customer that he must select one of the options before he could go on to add the product to the cart.

Anyone could help me about this ? Thanks.:mellow:

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