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dans les bases de données lesquelles choisir ?

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bonjour à tous pour recopier une boutique il faut prendre des données mais lesquelles pour éviter des soucis de connections ?
je voudrais recopier ma boutique pour la mettre en local
donc qui dans la liste pourrais me dire quelles données doit on exclure pour récupérer la boutique à l'identique?

   * Structure ps_access.
   * Structure ps_accessory.
   * Structure ps_address.
   * Structure ps_alias.
   * Structure ps_attachment.
   * Structure ps_attachment_lang.
   * Structure ps_attribute.
   * Structure ps_attribute_group.
   * Structure ps_attribute_group_lang.
   * Structure ps_attribute_impact.
   * Structure ps_attribute_lang.
   * Structure ps_blocklink.
   * Structure ps_blocklink_lang.
   * Structure ps_block_cms.
   * Structure ps_carrier.
   * Structure ps_carrier_group
   * Structure ps_carrier_lang
   * Structure ps_carrier_zone
   * Structure ps_cart
   * Structure ps_cart_discount
   * Structure ps_cart_product
   * Structure ps_category
   * Structure ps_category_group
   * Structure ps_category_lang
   * Structure ps_category_page
   * Structure ps_category_page_category
   * Structure ps_category_page_lang
   * Structure ps_category_product
   * Structure ps_cms
   * Structure ps_cms_lang
   * Structure ps_configuration
   * Structure ps_configuration_lang
   * Structure ps_connections
   * Structure ps_connections_page
   * Structure ps_connections_source
   * Structure ps_contact
   * Structure ps_contact_lang
   * Structure ps_country
   * Structure ps_country_lang
   * Structure ps_currency
   * Structure ps_customer
   * Structure ps_customer_feedback
   * Structure ps_customer_feedback_lang
   * Structure ps_customer_group
   * Structure ps_customization
   * Structure ps_customization_field
   * Structure ps_customization_field_lang
   * Structure ps_customized_data
   * Structure ps_date_range
   * Structure ps_delivery
   * Structure ps_discount
   * Structure ps_discount_category
   * Structure ps_discount_lang
   * Structure ps_discount_quantity
   * Structure ps_discount_type
   * Structure ps_discount_type_lang
   * Structure ps_employee
   * Structure ps_feature
   * Structure ps_feature_lang
   * Structure ps_feature_product
   * Structure ps_feature_value
   * Structure ps_feature_value_lang
   * Structure ps_group
   * Structure ps_group_lang
   * Structure ps_guest
   * Structure ps_hook
   * Structure ps_hook_module
   * Structure ps_hook_module_exceptions
   * Structure ps_image
   * Structure ps_image_lang
   * Structure ps_image_type
   * Structure ps_lang
   * Structure ps_linksmenulavalamp
   * Structure ps_linksmenulavalamp_lang
   * Structure ps_manufacturer
   * Structure ps_manufacturer_lang
   * Structure ps_message
   * Structure ps_message_readed
   * Structure ps_meta
   * Structure ps_meta_lang
   * Structure ps_module
   * Structure ps_module_access
   * Structure ps_module_country
   * Structure ps_module_currency
   * Structure ps_module_group
   * Structure ps_module_version
   * Structure ps_newsletter
   * Structure ps_operating_system
   * Structure ps_orders
   * Structure ps_order_detail
   * Structure ps_order_discount
   * Structure ps_order_history
   * Structure ps_order_message
   * Structure ps_order_message_lang
   * Structure ps_order_return
   * Structure ps_order_return_detail
   * Structure ps_order_return_state
   * Structure ps_order_return_state_lang
   * Structure ps_order_slip
   * Structure ps_order_slip_detail
   * Structure ps_order_state
   * Structure ps_order_state_lang
   * Structure ps_pack
   * Structure ps_page
   * Structure ps_pagenotfound
   * Structure ps_page_type
   * Structure ps_page_viewed
   * Structure ps_product
   * Structure ps_product_attachment
   * Structure ps_product_attribute
   * Structure ps_product_attribute_combination
   * Structure ps_product_attribute_image
   * Structure ps_product_download
   * Structure ps_product_lang
   * Structure ps_product_sale
   * Structure ps_product_tag
   * Structure ps_profile
   * Structure ps_profile_lang
   * Structure ps_quick_access
   * Structure ps_quick_access_lang
   * Structure ps_range_price
   * Structure ps_range_weight
   * Structure ps_referrer
   * Structure ps_referrer_cache
   * Structure ps_scene
   * Structure ps_scene_category
   * Structure ps_scene_lang
   * Structure ps_scene_products
   * Structure ps_search_engine
   * Structure ps_search_index
   * Structure ps_search_word
   * Structure ps_sekeyword
   * Structure ps_state
   * Structure ps_statssearch
   * Structure ps_subdomain
   * Structure ps_supplier
   * Structure ps_supplier_lang
   * Structure ps_tab
   * Structure ps_tab_lang
   * Structure ps_tag
   * Structure ps_tax
   * Structure ps_tax_lang
   * Structure ps_tax_state
   * Structure ps_tax_zone
   * Structure ps_timezone
   * Structure ps_web_browser
   * Structure ps_zone

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