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help.. how to make the right column left and the left column right??

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am modifying the default theme since there are no available themes out there

my language direction right to left not like french or English left to right

therefor I need to make left column right and right left
then make text direction rtl
buying steps rtl not ltr

please I need help how to do that

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Er, I could be misunderstanding you, but have you tried just transplanting the modules (Modules->Position)? It's a bit of a pain to have to do, but you only need to do it once....

You'll need to delete the duplicates once you've transplanted them (as you'll have all the blocks in both).


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salam !
i chuft el site tamam , lazem tcharek bel legha el arabia o ted3am el site be esmak o bhanik ya man !

thanks for your reply

yes I have it done now

direction rtl

padding and alignment

change it and you will get it done

good luck
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Helo BeCute-Shope
you themes very nice and i interesting with feature image product have small window transparant.. really that beautiful.
maybe you can sharing in here "How to make like that ?.. "
i want my themes make like your themes (special in feature product home) have window small..

maybe samebody know this trick can help me.


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