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CSS Valid, but Many IE Problems PLEASE HELP!

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Works fine in Safari/Firefox, CSS is valid. It is a heavily modified pointe lite theme, no resemblance whatsoever. What is the reason for it not being compatible in IE? Would I be better off modifying the original prestashop theme... Will that work in IE either or is it just a problem with pointe lite theme? thanks...

The top nav bar is off to the way right on internet explorer, and all the right blocks overlap the center content. I think it might have to do with an "absolute" or "float" tag or tags, but I don't have IE as I'm on a Mac so I cannot diagnose the issue. PLEASE help, this is one of the only things I need to make this site completely working (the other one is the $5 shipping issue, which is yet to be resolved....)

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Valid css doesn't mean a lot I'm afraid, well not in terms of how the page will display. The Standards Compliant Browsers will respect it and do the right thing, but the css inheritance in IE is really messed up and they keep having to maintain compatibility now due to the large number of sites who have written only to target IE (mad mad fools that they are).

I usually write t target firefox/safari and then try and tweak things to get IE to work too (without breaking the others). It's an iterative process really.

There are a few pointers to solutions for common problemshere: http://www.maratz.com/blog/archives/2005/06/16/essentials-of-css-hacking-for-internet-explorer/

But you can probably kiss goodbye to your validated css ;)


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I will pay someone through PayPal if they can make the CSS display correctly in PayPal, it's just too hard for me since I don't have access to IE on any machine, and BrowserCam I only have a trial... PLEASE someone help me, if you are interested send me a PM and we can work out payment. It shouldn't be that much work for someone who knows what to do. Thanks.

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Try these two things they might help, not sure if they will help as I can only see the changes on FF and not IE.

If you could email your theme folder I could take a closer look.

global.css (line 1001)

#center_column .products_block ul li {                                                                
border-bottom:1px solid #E4E4E4;
border-left:1px solid #E4E4E4;

global.css (line 19)

#header {                                                                                                        
background:transparent url(/themes/prestashop/img/headerbg.jpg) repeat scroll 0 0;
border-bottom:2px solid #35211B;
margin:0 0 2px;

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