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(SOLVED) Custom Navigation Menu Question

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Hi All,

My partner and I have created a custom layout for our PrestaShop template (22 pages and counting).
The site will be in German and English.
The programmer has sliced up the design and created the necessary html and CSS files. All is good so far.

Today I learned that he has hard coded the Categories and Subcategories of the Top Navigation menu, not realizing they need to be dynamic and back office managed. He explained that due to the graphic design of our menu, back office control might not be possible. Well this will be too limiting to say the least and so I need a navigation menu that is manageable. So we are open to redesigning the top navigation but before we do that I had 2 questions to help us make the decision for a redesign.

* My current sliced design can be found here: link has been removed now (Home page)
Product Overview page: link has been removed now

* The navigation design is based on the nav. menu of this site (which is NOT PShop): http://www.fortnumandmason.com/

* And finally a site I found today which has a similar navigation idea and IS PShop based: http://www.madeleinemarket.com/epicerie-fine/2 (Scroll over sub nav of the "Epicerie Fine" Category and please scroll over the "Nos Marques" Top Category to see the effect).

So my questions are:
1) does anyone know if the style of menu we have designed for our site is programmable to be back office manageable?
2) does anyone know if the Madeleine Market site navigation is back end controlled from PrestaShop or do you think there is another content management system for this?

Thanks in advance for any info.. I am feeling desperate.

Kind regards,

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I have something you'll be interested in to achieve that:

Using it to match the kinda menu you have setup at the minute is possible just needs some css tweaks from within the css file included in the module, and means you can have the design and back office management.

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Hi Truemedia,

thanks so much for the heads up regarding your very cool module. Much appreciated.

Our programmer has found a solution for our menu that will not require your module but rather custom coding. But thanks again for taking the time to reply.

Best of luck with your module... looks very promising.

Kind regards,

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