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How to get a list of the available payment method ?


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Hi !

I'm currently coding an application that allows to create order by using the webservice API.

For statistical purposes I need to have the correct payment method registered, but if I assume that payment and module elements allows to specify the payment, I don't know how to list all the payment methods available.


Have someone an idea about how to get the payments available ?


P.S. : the use of the API call 


list all of fields of an order (here I see that there is payment and module elements),

and when I go see the details about webservice permission management, I see nothing of interest (order_payments allows to know what payment was used for a given order).


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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

you can get list of modules, that handles payment methods
f.e. this way:

SELECT m.*, group_concat(iso_code) as currencies  FROM `ps_hook_module` h

join ps_module m on m.id_module=h.id_module
join ps_module_currency mc on mc.id_module=m.id_module
join ps_currency c on c.id_currency=mc.id_currency

WHERE `id_hook` in (select id_hook from ps_hook where name = 'paymentOptions') and m.active=1
group by m.id_module

or you can get the list (include paymentMethod name) :

$payment_methods = array();
        foreach (PaymentModule::getInstalledPaymentModules() as $payment) {
            $module = Module::getInstanceByName($payment['name']);
            if (Validate::isLoadedObject($module) && $module->active) {
                $payment_methods[] = $module->displayName;

or you can combine both codes above to get list of { NameOfModule + its PaymentMethods + its allowed currencies }

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/17/2020 at 10:50 AM, EvaF said:

you can get list of modules, that handles payment methods
f.e. this way:

SELECT m.*, group_concat(iso_code) as currencies  FROM `ps_hook_module` h

join ps_module m on m.id_module=h.id_module
join ps_module_currency mc on mc.id_module=m.id_module
join ps_currency c on c.id_currency=mc.id_currency

WHERE `id_hook` in (select id_hook from ps_hook where name = 'paymentOptions') and m.active=1
group by m.id_module

or you can get the list (include paymentMethod name) :

$payment_methods = array();
        foreach (PaymentModule::getInstalledPaymentModules() as $payment) {
            $module = Module::getInstanceByName($payment['name']);
            if (Validate::isLoadedObject($module) && $module->active) {
                $payment_methods[] = $module->displayName;

or you can combine both codes above to get list of { NameOfModule + its PaymentMethods + its allowed currencies }

I'm building an APP and I need to have the list of payment methods for the cart checkout phase.

I am using the prestashop webservice but cannot find the method related to the payment list.

Can u help me?


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  • 5 months later...
On 8/3/2020 at 9:49 AM, maicol.cantagallo said:

I'm building an APP and I need to have the list of payment methods for the cart checkout phase.

I am using the prestashop webservice but cannot find the method related to the payment list.

Can u help me?


Hi maicol.cantagallo.

I am developing something similar.

It seems that there is no API for the list of payment methods.

From PaymentModule::getInstalledPaymentModules() I got the information (Prestashop 1.7.3):

    DISTINCT m.`id_module`,
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_hook_module` hm ON hm.`id_module` = m.`id_module`    AND hm.id_shop IN (1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_hook` h ON hm.`id_hook` = h.`id_hook`
INNER JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms ON (m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`AND ms.id_shop = 1) -- Enable / disable module
WHERE h.`name` = 'paymentOptions'

I hope you find this information useful.


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12 hours ago, Endrigo said:

Hi maicol.cantagallo.

I am developing something similar.

It seems that there is no API for the list of payment methods.

From PaymentModule::getInstalledPaymentModules() I got the information (Prestashop 1.7.3):

    DISTINCT m.`id_module`,
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_hook_module` hm ON hm.`id_module` = m.`id_module`    AND hm.id_shop IN (1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_hook` h ON hm.`id_hook` = h.`id_hook`
INNER JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms ON (m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`AND ms.id_shop = 1) -- Enable / disable module
WHERE h.`name` = 'paymentOptions'

I hope you find this information useful.


Hi Endrigo,

thanks for reply. yes i used this solution but it is not the best. How can I manage payments from the payplug module? or paypal module?


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