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Products in order are empty sometimes

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A shop I'm doing maintenance on has a strange issue where the products in a placed order is empty. The order shows up with a customer, price, invoice, etc. but the shopping cart of the order is empty. It happens on random customers, random products and random times. There is nothing in the logs that indicates an error. Prestashop is version 1.6.

Further processing the order requires looking up the shopping cart by date/customer in the list of all shopping carts and is a huge hassle, so this really needs to be fixed ASAP.


Has anyone experienced this before / does anyone know what I can do to fix this?

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5 hours ago, NemoPS said:

Looks like there might be some issue with OrderDetail. Did you try turning on dev mode in config.inc.php?


I currently can't access the files on the server as the site was previously maintained by someone else. and I don't have the necessarry details yet. I hope to have that information soon.

Is there anything I might see in the backoffice or database that might show the cause? And won't dev mode influence the live state of the website? It can't go offline so dev mode causes issues for customers I'd have to clone it to a local environment first..

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There is really nothing you can do without being able to access the files. Dev mode can be enabled and re-disabled, just to show errors temporarily. Unless you have an order every minute, it shouldn't be a problem :)

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