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Undefined variable: tax in


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After transfering my credit card module from test website to production site I get these errors :

Notice: Undefined variable: tax in D:\www\vhosts\_dynamic\mywebsite\www\classes\PaymentModule.php on line 206

Notice: Undefined variable: tax in D:\www\vhosts\_dynamic\mywebsite\www\classes\PaymentModule.php on line 207

Notice: Undefined variable: tax in D:\www\vhosts\_dynamic\mywebsite\www\classes\PaymentModule.php on line 212

Notice: Undefined variable: tax in D:\www\vhosts\_dynamic\mywebsite\www\classes\PaymentModule.php on line 232

It works perfectly in test site and not on production site and it is the same webserver.

I always find that very odd no ?????

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Those are notices only, not errors. My guess is that your test site is configured to display errors only and your production site is configured to display both errors and notices. In that case, the problem exists on both sites. You must be careful to assign a default value to the $tax variable before attempting to read the variable.

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Thank you rocky

Still odd as I said it is on the same server using the same php.ini, did not check presta's version, may be different.

anyway for now I just placed:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

until I get time to check if I declared the variable with a defaulft value.

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